guys..apologies but we had to made an explaination
about the tickets price
So sorry that we minus decided to pull out of the gig..
The tix is way way too expensive and we cant afford to play in an expensive gigs for your info..sorry but thats the way punk goes..
IT'S VERY LASTMIN CALL. how do we find bands
promotions has already began last week...
dear JARLOAD..we hope you can stay
3) maybe we are too new in the scene itself but firstly. tickets price is $10 bucks
you guys complaint and complaint.. it's ok, we low down the price till we have to fork out our own money to pay everything
is this how the punk scene works?
we said and said that this is not just a normal punk gig
1) the venue is huge
2) everyband have been advice to do a special set
3) there's no so called" im punk , you're not so f**k off" attitude
seriously.If this is still carry on..
then we're sorry bad to cancel both shows..
I know this thread is old and there's a new one, and that the venue's been change and all......but i'm juz gonna post my thoughts here...hehe
Sumhow..i expected from the start that sumthin like this might happen...and it finally pulling out cuz of the tix price...
"is this how the punk scene works?" - ScreamEvents, pls do understand punks before gettin into the mosh pit and trying to mosh for the first time...if u get my drift... Im in no way am ridiculing you...don't get me wrong yea...just a little sumthin which mite make u better in the future..i hope
Since you do admit you're new to the scene, why didn't you do your homework first? Would you set up a business venture involving big bucks without studying the market segment? Studying the targeted market's consumer behaviour? Do you know your target market here? Cuz eventually, they're the ones that are gonna be paying you..
What's the not-so-normal thingy abt this punk gig you're doin? How extraordinary could it get from all the other punk shows that's been done anyway? There's gonna be pyrotechnics and magicians maybe?

Bands always do their best to put up the best show they can... So, what's with the advise on doin a special set? No band would wanna go on stage and create a mockery of themselves, i believe.... Don't worry, they would know what to do...
And knowing MG is a "big venue", i'm sure you could expect it to come with a fee that's probably steep...and when you did find out, you could have shifted your choice of venue to somewhere that's affordable to you, from the beginning and avoid all this hassle, i guess? A punk show don't need a huge space...there are venues charging lesser (and of course, with a smaller space, but it's not a big deal). Yes, ppl do understand that nothing goes down or stays down, but if u do have a cheaper alternative just so that an event could take place, why won’t you go for it then?
AND TO THE GIG-GOERS: the fact is…everything everywhere is goin up, up and will continue to rise up….its inevitable. The venues are running a business and they have to increase prices in order to sustain...and if such venues don't sustain, there would be lesser venues for's not that they purposely increase venue charges...their costs have gone up too. This, like it or not, will have effects on ticket prices…this is where gig-goers have to understand when ticket prices are high…but still, a too damn high ticket price for a punk show is not the way to go…
Punk shows have taken place at such smaller venues (and some are juz old abandoned places with no air-con n shit...), but the bands as well as the crowd did have fun...attendance were pretty gd at some...
So, since you opted for a big venue, why fuss on comin out the extra cash frm your pockets (after knowing that there's resistance frm ppl abt the tix price?)
Digging out of your pockets (if you have to, that is) shows that you are genuine in doing a show for the scene...there's loads of ppl who's been there and done, no need to fuss yea...
And having band/s pulling out is nuthin out of the norm..some mite have genuine last min work/ns/studies committments etc...yea...its a case of shit happens i guess...i had that before :-(
And what MINUS did is juz sumthin that proves they are true to their beliefs/roots/themselves etc... They juz stood up for sumthin that they are.... Nuthin wrong with that… Each to their own...
Juz my thoughts...
Have fun at the show kids
Thx for the eyes & ears ppl