haha.. it's okay OPX.. we did have fun playing our set in front of our friends.. anymore gigs you guyz playing, i sure come down.. I support you guyz. :lol:
haha brutal ah korang =)


yay to kin!


haha speaker tak rosak beb jgn takot..


baik ah opx ego stereo sb dn hopekill (sempat sak mosh pat korang nyer set) haha mulysa! and all otherss..
like usual.
you guys rock my socks! =)


thx to ary and yan zehh!! woohoo! bof of u rock my balls!! wakaka! mus nak ajek ngn shikin(s.b)!!! wakakak! kudos to opx,hopekill,s4x and so on..thx to 4-thirty for plyg one of my fav songs..november..woooo~ x)
Aw man, we weren't playing our best for the gig yest...

But still, thanks to MOP for giving us a slot . And those who enjoyed the set! And the bands and budak2 rock who came! Lu semua rock gila!

Tak jadi wall of death seh. :roll:

haha yan takleh angkat speaker sorang2
hopekill mmg bagos ah...haha...rock my socks...mentang2 kawan aku nyer band...

nasib korang tak baik ah yas...takder ramai org ah...

jumpa kat tapestry
carlos said:
ary, what happened to the speakers anyways?

and i didn't get any photos..sorry. too hot too dark.....

haha no probs carlos.
thanx for taking time off to come down and check us out yup!


the speakers eh?
apparently the fuse shorted in the main speaker,
then the linked speaker wont function
so after we changed the fuse everything was well again



man! aku nye kepale pusing,telinger pekak ngan badan bengkak..

jgn cakap aku tak datang eh!..

my back hurts like *toot* and my neck too..


It all worth it!!...

Great bands!!

i love moshing!!

release dok STRESS!!

OPX!!..ni aku kawan Dark resurrection yang start te moshing shit!!...

bingit bingit bingit sekali.. aku dah tulis post panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang giler nak mampos..



Comp hang.

Punyalah bingit..

Tkpe ah, anyways I would really like to thank each n everyone of you for coming down to Emolition.. Despite the 2-hrs delay, u all still remained calm n composed den after dat u all gila gila moshing. Gerek beb gerek. BTW, band mane ah yg buat suara wild boar? HAHA! Seriously guys, Thanks, thanks a million \m/

There will be anthr gig on 17th June 2006. Details SECRET. Haha no lah juz kidding. But seriously, we'll be releasing details real soon. Bands, we'll keep u updated.

BTW Man OPX, ape kau dlm lif ah!? KWANG KWANG KWANG!
ehhh! mane gambar aku tgh posing masa main guitar??

aku nakkk...! :lol:

man? biase lah giler dlm lif...bdk2 lain pun same pe...
hahaha yan, aku pun tk tau, hahaha otak aku da blur eh hari tu!!hahaha lagipun mcm otak tagh tido, tapi badan je begerak, i cal it zombified. hahahahahaha!!!! :oops: :twisted:
Great songs bebs.

Tapi macam vocals louder than instruments?

And sengau sikit ah. haha jk~

Liked the 'nanana' part in the last part of Rupture. :wink:
not bad bro, kip it up in making originals, niwe s4x, we have ur pics n few other bands nyr gambar, nanti aku pass it to Qhai to be put up in our webby k. in the meantime have fun rockin the local scene!! :partyman: