I also no hap ciggies leh. Aku harapkan Yan and Anep aje. What happen to Irfan ah? Busy dating ke pe~

And the tapestry registration has been extended i think. Register quick.
Irfan? Famous? :lol:

Nay! haha, he's just the bassist for Zak's supercore band [In Redilence Tonight]
And also my cousin.

Not at all popular btw, we're only talking shit.
haha...irfan jadi popular...

no lah cliff.he's my friend and bassist..haha...and one of s4x's member's cousin...

aku pun depend ngan yan and anep ah...besok aku gi sorang sak!
aper sak supercore band!!!!!!!!!!

kita tak ikot2 genre ah...haha

kita sebat jer aper lagu kita nak main...

besok main pull harder ah yas...
Maybe not, becos we suck at doing trivium.

Anyway, we didn't even practice the song, but what we WILL play is Forsaken Horizon, for ppl to mosh the fvck out.

emolition was cool.
except for some technical problems.

yan & ary!!

sorry to trouble you guys with our slots and all!
we were rushing cus we have major papersssss la the next day.
so yeah.

sorry again yaw.
you guys really rocked the bloody staged man!

thanx for supporting emolition!
pictures will be up soon rite yan?

and on behalf of mop and ij, i'd like to apologise for the delay..
really was unforseen..

but thanks for holding up and staying on for the later bands ppl.
you guys rock my socks.

ego stereo would like to say thanks to the dudes yan and ary..
we had fun..
all bands were awesome.. emolition was awesome..ahahha

ps bukan suare aku eh yan yg bikin rosak tu speaker!..

4-Thirty would like to thank ary and yan for allowing us to play.
We also would like to thank our friends for being patient and staying to watch us play.
We had fun eventhough we were the last band and there was no crowd.

Sanity blur rocks, OPX rocks, S4x rocks.

p.s. Vocalist of sanity blur, PM me. haha :D.

Thanks again

ahh crap.
sorry for not coming early ehh guys!
got stuck with something to do.

sanity blur thank everyone for their support ytd! :D
elo every1, we lyk to say tkx to u guys k yesterday for supportin us in our performance k :P tkx the organiser bth yan and ary for giving us the chance to perform in tis gig=) for all the bands yg perform thr n the crowd, u guys rox eh!!!!horns to every1 of dem\m/!! to ever1 hu waited for us to perform, we apologize tt it came so late and we tkx u guys for waiting for us :P u guys rox man!!! we would lyk to tkx tis ppl for ur support, the family of shadow embrace,mulysa, dark ressurrection, ego stereo, hopekill, asm, s4x, 4-thirty(sory bro we cant stay for u guys nyr set, sal we kena rush hm but lip gloss was cool :P ) n to our frens n ppl we forget to mention oso tkx for ur support! u guys rox!!!! peace but always anarchy in the moshpit n horns\m/!!!!!! :twisted:
okay happy.

wahh okay happy.
this is kin from sb.

finally i signed up for a personal acct.

i love mulysa's rose of sharyn