5th Soft Drummer Meetup - Changes PLEASE READ !

yo dudes... sorry for the outburst
i'm just pissed off about ppl who look down on others
the way he mentioned as if we only know how to whack the drums and not being able to play other percussion instruments

badger88, just think and re-think before you post..

anyway, think this saturday i'll only be in from 12 to around 1430 hrs.. gotta go werk after dat...
snow ... i totally forgot about the book lah.. haha.. yeap last one in the series.

Btw if you don have a drum case you can just get a bag and pack it packing foam or loads of clothes.. Just don anyhow swing swing and knock on wall should be fine liao.. tuning usually goes off while you are moving...
snow - Just Carry the snare (no need to put inside Plastic-Bag..then take MRT) - n be proud that you're a drummer - The last time - I went I also Hang those (Fatory Metal Percussion) FMP on my Bag & I look really "Bad" if you get what I mean - so everyone can see mah - wah looks killer lah - Hehehehe I like attention.......Yeah.hhhhhhhhh

You bring ok - we tune it for you and share with you step by step how we do it...cheers !. :lol:

PS; - anyway bro rla will be bringing his Pearl Reference Snare there too for you all to test test... :smt023
Bro DT - move on. As mentioned that's not what Badger88 really mean't and he mean No harm......Let's not get too sensitive with words here in a forum (what's one express may mean something else to different people many a times)......the above is really very trivial matter in fact I dont see a problem with his posting.

Hope to see you bro DT this saturday too...cool it everyone...Remember we are all brothers here...thank you.
got diff leh RD, yr FMP looks killer but my snare's look can really kill rite now!! the old head is a bit embarrassing...i tink better put in a plastic bag..
Cooooool!!! Can't wait to change the heads!!! thanks guys!!

bros i can't make it this saturday, got an important company product launch happening over the weekend. my head on chopping block

pls send piccies/videos

may da force be with you all

with love
RD, your FMD looks like some ninja gear. Haha. It's our lost that plainsman can't come. Who's gonna take the lead this time? :lol:
Since Bro Alfie cant make it this Saturday - though informal the meetup is - We still need someone to take the lead - - - I propose - Bro Bliss or Drun_hobbyist (these 2 can lead & talk too) - - - Bro Mel80 or Bro blurr (cause they have the past experience - like Alfie does in previous forum) - I suggest let's - get Bro Blurr to help us this time (Please bro Blurr - thank you in advance)....and Bro blurr is like Alfie (can really make people feel very comfortable one - I know)....so be it.....

NO problem - we do same thing like what Alfie does at 2nd meetup and so-on - everyone goes up, sit on the kit - do 1 or 2 drumming stuff share with everyone, bro blurr will lead this event.......Ayone can ask or share with the drummer playing the stuff - this way we all learn...ok....it will be nice. :lol:

PS: - Really wish Alfie could be there lah !
Everyone please come to our this "Fxxking 5th Meetup !! "
It is our priviledge to have our Bro Blurred with us to lead this meetup - before he goes back to Australia.....Hahahaha :smt040

Because Bro Blurred as you all know is a FUNK Drummer - so the name coin - "Funking 5th Meetup" :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 - It's going to be a Funky afternoon this Saturday.
wah leow...... so vbulgar :lol:

once we get things coookin' it will go on by itself la...... got drum groove... also got "meetup groove" mah

how bout u guys plan out some itinerary or meetup plan

here's something to start off (pls EDIT where necessary!!!)

1. brief introduction all around (eric u shld take the lead on this one)

2. This meetup topics

2.1 how to tune the drums (drum hobbyist)
2.2 basics of funk drumming (blurred)

3. Question & Answer (any softies got question just ask, anyone know just answer)

4. free for all / drum battle :lol:

Yeah this week blurred can cover basic of funk, next week intermediate followed by advance. haha. then all softie drummers will soon all be funky.

D_h, I want to clean my cymbal. There's some rust on it. I'm not sure whether is it rust, so I'm just assuming. Can you show me how to clean cymbals?
I tell you all lah - to be a Funky Drummer not so easy one - 1st Groove have to be Funky, 2nd talking that time also must be Funky, lastly - Looks, Hairstyle & dressing also must be Funky - that's our Bro Blurred :lol: really than you're Funking all the way Hahahaha :smt040 !
Sweet! Can get to try more Paiste this time. Thanks drum_hobbyist in advance. Always so kind of you to let us have the privilege to try out all those tasty pies :D

Yeah, blurred can take the lead. Show some of his funk thaaang. His funk got cheese one. Those who attended his workshop should know hahahaa!

Yeah reuben and snowflier. I have to work for the book launch. Starting work at 6.30am because the book has to be on sale on the dot at 7.01am. So you guys will probably see me with 'orh bak kak' dark eye rings that day hahahaa!
Ho...who???... nah...its someone else....hint: his on this thread!!! This guy seriously needs the help of the good 'Ol courteousy lion...remember him?
Yeh sorry again guys :D

Me come for the meetup? Im not a drummer though . . . but would be nice to see Blurred play some Funk. Anyone add my name to the list?
badger.. get your drummer to come den.. and.... its not only open to drummers you know.. though drums are the main dish lahz...