5th Soft Drummer Meetup - Changes PLEASE READ !

haha hey commitee members...dun mind i make a request..can you guyz please come on time tomorrow? Hope wad happened on the last meetup won't happen again...i had like a 45 mins the last time ( and it kinda sucked going to a locked room ) :) haha hope i did'nt offend anyone...
Hey Frummer, there bound to be some committee members who will reach on time(or almost on time). haha. I'll try to be early.
1) James (Soft)
(2) RudimentalDrummer
(3) Drum_Hobbyist
(4) Frummer
(5) Caijunlong
(6) blurred
(7) mel80
(8 )Myner
(9) ExRocker
(10) Reuben
(11) Dull
(12) rla (12-3pm, Reference Snare, 14x5)
(13) kanzer
(14) BadgerS88 (guitarist)
(15) danial
(16) shred5

So far I think that's the list?

It's freaking 5am and I'm dragging myself out to work. Urrrghhh :lol:
THank YOu All For Comming - th Meetup was GREAT !!!!! !

Bro James (Soft) - thanks for comming to support us in our this 5th Meetup...

Bro rla - Can you please load those 5th meetup pics here - so that we can all view it....Oh & yes your Latina stuffs was nice.eeee

Bro Drum_Hobbyist - You really can cut hole dont you - very well done for Bro rla Bass-Drum Skin & thanks for showing us how to polish a Cymbal - Bro Mel bery cleber - bring big big 22" Sabian Ride for DH to do it Kekekekeke...but Mel - the Ride was really very beautiful..(Sound)

Bro Harry: Thanks for kicking off the meeting and taking the lead - great job..too bad you have to leave earlier than normal.

Bro DT: Wow.www thanks for taking a half-day-leave just to join us till meeting ends - we really appreciate that.

Bro Blurr: Thanks for the explaination on Funk

Bro Alvin: -Surprise us really - so glad that you could make it to oyr this 5th meetup and teaching us some of those odd-grouping.

SIs Snowflier: Thanks for comming too - next time bring more cha-bo drummer there also har - hope you really did learn something & enjoy yourself there.

and thanks to all those Regular Bros who never miss any of our meetup eg Frummer, daniel (just to name a few) here - and I really like that clave thing you all play Jevi(on drums), rla(Conga), Marc(Clave), Smi& Chun Leng(Bongo), Jimmy (snare), mel80(Djembe)...

PS; - I guess next round - would you all want me to contact those - SAMBA PLAYERS to come (they play those native drums one - the group that play in the Semi-DrumFest interval)....but I can try only.

Also Bernard had allow us to - If we want -put a DrumSet there under SOFT EXCHANGE (our own personal Drumset) - no-one would be allow to touch it cause it's our Soft Personal Kit for our meetup - This way - we can have 2 drumset when we go for meetup next time.

I was thinking - Can We ALl Share - chip in some $$$$$ to get a Reasonable 5pc kit (2nd hand one) that dont cost us too much money - so we can put this kit as "SOFT DRUM KIT"..I wonder if we can get sponsor for this - please give some ideas......but whatever it is - let's say we cant get any sponsor - and we have to share the cost......Upon purchasing the kit - and the kit is then Soft's Kit - If anyone says dont want to come anymore for the exchange - cannot take back $$$ one har?...Kekekekeke :lol: This will be "OUR SOFT DRUMMER'S EXCHANGE DRUMKIT" - we will get someone to do the LOGO - Soft Drummer's Exchange which will be imprinted on the Kit Bass Drum Reso
i think the one who bought the 22" rides we're chun leng that paragon 22" ride...

mel just came back from selling harry potter books if im not wrong...

Eh for our personal drumkit, i'd be one of the sponsors. I can donate my craviotto, and DW hardwares, tat way i can save some space at home too. Do let me know if u guys really wana have a 'soft' personal kit there, and of cos, others can contribute too..
Yup... it was chun leng who brought the 22" Ride...

It will be great that one of the music shops can sponsor a drum kit out of good gesture without any string attached. 8)
NO - - - When I mentioned - SPONSOR - It means - From A Drum Distributor here (if we are lucky enough)...or....We all have to chip in some $$$$$$$$$ to get a Re-sale Kit - -

PS: - DO NOT Contribute from your own current kit - The4 KIt is to be placed there at Ulu Pandan for good (belonging to Soft Drum Exchange)...we have a storage place there.......
Either way i tink i will still bring and station my stuff there for all to use, no point keeping them at home and bringing them to and fro for every meetup and if people dun mind sharing stuff, why not? Well, tats jus me lah...
omg bliss you serious? you will leave all your baiks there? your hardware? snare. cymbals leh? omg nice of you dude. not scared other people misuse. i will heartache.. haha.
lol loads of confusion. haha i think i try recall mostly cymbals came from DH then snares reference RLA artwood danial joey jordison bing cheng. omar hakim with wood hoops me. then the 22 ride is caijunlong.. am i right? sorry to those i forget