Hi Everyone
We might be having SOME CHANGES - On The Drum-ExChange/Meetup for JULY 2007.....(Please follow-Up) on this Thread.
As accordance to USUAL-PRACTICE - Soft Drum Exchange & Meetup - are usually/always on the 3RD WEEK OF EACH MONTH - SATURDAY - which means For July 21st July 2007 (12pm to 5pm).
According to Proposal from some Bros here - They will want it on a SUNDAY - so for JULY it means 22nd July 2007 - Ulu Pandan CC cannot accomodate us on SUNDAY..only Saturday (21st is Fine) ....As Such - Brothers are checking out - NEW VENUE THAT CAN ACCOMODATE US ON A SUNDAY - Preferably in a CONVENIENT LOCATION AROUND TOWN AREA.
So - for the Time Being - There will be no confirmation on DATE for this month Meetup...However - I would likewise like to hear & get feedback from Bros Here - On Your Preferred Day - SATURDAY or SUNDAY.......Kindly give us your FeedBack so that we can Choose the BEST OPTION here...
Thank You For Your Kind Understanding
Eric :lol:
We might be having SOME CHANGES - On The Drum-ExChange/Meetup for JULY 2007.....(Please follow-Up) on this Thread.
As accordance to USUAL-PRACTICE - Soft Drum Exchange & Meetup - are usually/always on the 3RD WEEK OF EACH MONTH - SATURDAY - which means For July 21st July 2007 (12pm to 5pm).
According to Proposal from some Bros here - They will want it on a SUNDAY - so for JULY it means 22nd July 2007 - Ulu Pandan CC cannot accomodate us on SUNDAY..only Saturday (21st is Fine) ....As Such - Brothers are checking out - NEW VENUE THAT CAN ACCOMODATE US ON A SUNDAY - Preferably in a CONVENIENT LOCATION AROUND TOWN AREA.
So - for the Time Being - There will be no confirmation on DATE for this month Meetup...However - I would likewise like to hear & get feedback from Bros Here - On Your Preferred Day - SATURDAY or SUNDAY.......Kindly give us your FeedBack so that we can Choose the BEST OPTION here...
Thank You For Your Kind Understanding
Eric :lol: