5 strings to 4 strings conversion?

purpose? converting 5 string to 4 string is kinda stupid to me...like you got too much money and dunno what to do with them,so you do this kind of thing... :lol:
thats what im wondering too bro...but the key words from the threadstarter are 'just wondering' ...perhaps he also curious whether got people do this kind of thing before
haha..no la...was kinda curious is kinda thing possible only..cos i've seen an article on this web where this guy converts a 5 string bass to a 12 string baritone!
chris wolstenholme from muse had a 5 stringer that was so badly abused that one of the tuning heads fell off. he then used it as a 4 string. but looking at his rickenbackers and fender jazzes he used for his recent concerts i'd assume he has long forgotten about it
make it two string :roll: easier to play and maintain ......yeah :lol:

removing the frets would a freaky mod 8O .... fretless is like topless :twisted:

first remove all the strings.

remove the 5 string bridge and the nut and the tuning heads

buy a new 4 string bridge and custom carve anew 4 string nut to fit the slot on the neck
then cut out round tabs to fill the 5 holes in the headstock. fill the holes on the body from the 5 string brige. leave to dry

touch up the paint work

now put in the new 4 string bridge , the new nut and and [osition the 4 tuning pegs to fit.

string 'er up and there you have a broadneck 4 string bass