James et al:
Yes, this is a legitimate news item from The Star (Malaysia) newspaper (published yesterday).
As Suren pointed out the same photos are in the Today Weekend's news article (published today).
I believe the 1st photo was taken by the company when the bus stop was first constructed, and the 2nd one was taken within the past week when the bus stops were discovered as being AWOL (hence the road markings are worn, and a new telephone booth has been added).
What really surprised me is that this particular (and maybe the other 3 as well?) bus stop is in the city centre and not at some lonely stretch of road. Very daring! Probably people thought the thieves were legitimate workers. For all you know, all you have to do is to drive some Blangladeshi workers around in a lorry and ask them to cut-and-cart one bus stop after another. They wouldn't even know they are committing a crime!