250k Pots


New member
Hey guys.
Anyone know where I can get passive 250k pots for Fender Precision? Roughly how much the price for one? Need it urgently now.
i think any shop that does guitar mods or repairs should have them. TYMC at peninsular basement should have them. if not, theres a good chance the other shops there will have.

since you live in woodlands you can give standard value a call and try
Simply a 250K Stereo Pot? Any electronic shop have them..you want better, get ALPS Black Beauty..else, Bourne is not bad....I believe Fender are CTS.
Sim Lim tower.I doubt it.If you are looking for Linear pot(B250k),alot can be found.But if you looking for Log pot(A250),so far i can't find 1 there.Unless someone here can tell exactly shop name.You can try KOBA at chinatown.Hope it help.