24May: THE END OF GASHAUS: Closing Party

Its really sad to see Gas Haus go even though i don't really like the caucasian PA guy and the sound system isn't that good, but it gave my band our FIRST outdoor gig. A really great place to mosh and drink =)

On behalf of my band, Embolden. A million thanks to Roy and Gas Haus for the memorable time we had at Gas Haus, all the best and i will continue to support you guys.

hi nxa, you have to remember that luke is just a born asshole, but all of us in the team love him because he does his job.

The sound system, we set it up by hand. But its not the greatest in the world because it might be a little too loud for the room. We flew the speakers up by chains recently, so you will see that in the closing party
I understand, Saito. :D

By the way, do we have to pay for any admission ticket for the closing party?
ONE LAST BIG GIG man. Cmon. Beg u. Please. Ma band would love to perform. Cmon. U know u want it. Cheap tickets,more people. more people,more fun. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

cmon. lets make the last day in gashaus the best time.
whatever the controversy and the good and the bad;

gas haus has without a doubt burnt a page for itself in the history books of singapore's local music scene

and we at CAVE salute you guys for what you've done, even if some people don't appreciate the contribution.

No wonder that day I walked past the place and saw the Red Bar sign.

"Eh? What the ________?"

Kinda sad to watch the place go.. Though there were things about Gashaus that I didn't like, it was a stage for local bands to perform. Despite all the controversy and issues, I will miss the great moments & the atmosphere of Gashaus.

Another good thing that Gashaus did was offer Mark a stepping stone for his career. I've seen him around the scene and I respect the dedication and resourcefulness that he possesses in organising and marketing events (eg, FLOW :D :D :D)

Saito: You will go far man. Best wishes!
Thanks for your kind words Thomas, and all the rest of you

I wish it could be a bigger party (and on a weekend) but circumstances are rather trying with us closing accounts etc.

The party is free. If you want us to charge tickets so we can have a bigger one, I'm not sure whether that is a good idea

Do spread the word!


Hey Mark, do convey our thanks and regards to all the staff at Gashaus for their support and beer. The Gashaus has been a haven of opportunities for new bands so it's definitely a setback in the growth of Singaporean music. But I guess this proves to all the cynics out there that you guys weren't about making the moolah. Unless you've all earned enough to buy over some villages in Bangladesh, where you intend to retire as rupee-millionaires with your own little harems. :)

haha smartass :)

Saiful, come and play lah, since its not about the moolah, my stage is yours if you want it haha. You know the number :)

Oh yeah, tell Carlos he's getting fat (unless he read this post already)

hey guys! I thought of maybe setting up a slideshow on the screen on the closing party



please, I would greatly appreciate it!

P.s.: James, you better be there hor. Beer on you
Flybar has very fond memories at Gas Haus, and we are really quite sad to see it go.

From the time we first went to book the place to do our own show, to the time Saito had a birthday bash there, to jamming there on open stage nights, and also the more recent events like Heart of Darkness and Muso nights, Flybar's growth has really been helped by both Gas Haus and Mark.

And who can forget that Gas Haus sponsored us (and some others) for the World Battle of the Bands? A huge thank you for that one, it made us who we are today in a big way.

We hope you guys will like our set at the End of Gas Haus party!

Goodbye Gas Haus!
how freakin sad is this??n wassup with age limits.sucks la.im never old enuf.no more seeing cute boys at gashaus....blahhhh. :cry:
Hey Mark,

We'll always remember the times we've played at Gashaus. Luke might seem to be an ass but he can be a great chap too. (He sat down with us and have a chat on how we can improve as a band before.)

I believe Gashaus was the first stage of many bands. Many people would be sad to see it gone.

Nonetheless, all the best to your career. You've been a great event organiser! Remember Flow!

sya: there will be gashaus-style events elsewhere, I promise. Along with more cute boys (they got a little fan club going on) like the guys from flybar :)

Leng: Thanks bro :)

Just in commemoration of all previous gashaus managers (who I've strangely outlived in the history of the venue's employment)

Dec 05 - Jan 06: Keith Phillips (I was temp sound guy + marketing exec then)
Feb 06 - April 06: Deen the machine (remember the bushmen show?)
June 06 - August 06: Darren Halls the much hated (the doorman at many extreme music shows, was his asst mgr then)
August 06 - December 06: Keith Kirchner (we miss him. I was marketing mgr already)
Dec 06 - now: Me.

Also, people I've been getting lots of pictures, do send more PEOPLE and VENUE shots, because all I've been getting is people's band pictures haha

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