21 july 06: Black Lights PICTURES!

tickets are selling REALLY fast. over five hundred have been snapped up in the past five days alone! :)

tickets will continue to be sold at the door!

don't forget to bring along all your friends!
And just a friendly reminder. It will be better to come down earlier just to be sure the tickets aren't all snapped up! I know plenty of people are getting their tickets at the door. So hurry down!

Remember! It's 7pm at Temasek Junior College, which is at 22 Bedok South Road.

The closest MRT station is Bedok, and you can take 196, 197, 38, 31, and 229 from the interchange. Other buses which go to TJC are 12 and 608.
i was there just to see the gig as im loyal to the music scene...
ive waited till the result and i was shock!!

i suddenly became a fan of this band called 'April Tears'. i was way way shock as to y dey didnt win it. dey were gd. seriously. dey rock the crowd. dey rock me. the were full of energy. n yet dey didnt even get in the top 3!! wad the heck was da judges tinkin?? dey deserve to win.

to april tears(if u are readin this): i saw ur frontman sittin down backstage sittin down lookin sad. eventhough i dunoe u guys, u guys totally rock! seriously.

btw, im daniel. :D
Yes students from Temasek did go down to AHS last week to sell tickets. Did you come to Blacklights? You enjoyed it I hope.

Hi Daniel. I'm sorry the band you supported did not get into the top 3, but it was entirely the judges' decision. And I'm glad you discovered new bands at Blacklights. Keep supporting them! :)

I don't have all the pictures. I only have a few pictures that were taken backstage by Fiona. I could post them if you wanted, but I think the pictures you want to see are the ones taken on stage, which I do not have. I will try and get the photographers who were at the event to post the pictures soon.
april tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love you.... *faints.

rock on..

heard you guys gonna find a new guitarist.
and also heard he's good.

i think the reason why you guys didnt get thru was bcos
lack of the extra punch. meaning the other guitarist.
wonder who.

hahahahahah. i love you.
i went to the purevolume of april tears out of curiosity and is it just me or is the singing terribly out of tune?
Oh and by the way everyone. This is not eugene. It hasn't been for a long long while. This is wendy! I hijacked his account after the first post. :P

and joe. i believe you already have my email..

maybe next year there will be another Blacklights. I wonder who we'll see..
oh and the results are as follows.

Rock Syndrome was Third

Saw-The-Mice was Second

and Arrowhead was FIRST

Congrats you guys. :)[/b]
Uh no I don't actually since I wasn't cool enough to receive one of your business cards >_> sms me your email then? you should know what my number is saved under :lol: