09.09.09 ? oh yes


New member
TOMORROW’S the day folks…

  • I get new furniture so that I can actually keep everything that I’ve been hoarding for years (right now, I’m using one bedroom as a storeroom.)
  • The Beatles remasters and Rock Band: The Beatles will be released. (actually, that’s what the new furniture is for.)
  • So if I’m late for my radio spot on Lunchbreak with Carol Smith on Class 95FM at 1pm, it’s because I’ve been queuing up for the aforementioned. Not the furniture, obviously, because that’s like being delivered to my house.
But don’t forget to tune in, folks, so that you can hear a four-letter word on radio! I kid you not. And we’re going to talk about something that’s revving up as the days go by – F1 Rocks! And why the Black Eyed Peas love Singapore! No, really, they do!

Man I saw the poster outside Sembawang Music Centre today and got all excited, turns out it's being released tomorrow. Meh. Anyone has any idea how much it'll set me back. MUST HAVE.
It's also the date of release of the movie Nine. A animated feature film starring Elijah Wood and Jennifer connolley, pretty cool movie judging from the trailer :)
I find that Tim Burton's movie is very dull. LOL! well, thats my opinion. yeah 9/9/9 could be 6/6/6 if tobalek...

Yeah how much is the beatles remastered? I heard the Guitar heroes beatles is out too..