.014 gauge strings


New member
hi ppl..have been slowly increasing de gauge of mi strings frm .011 to .013 over time...now would like to progress to use .014..but have heard rumours that the thrust rod won't take it alr..but mi guitar has so far been able to take even .013..albeit with some adjustment to the rod..anione noes if de rod would jus snap if i use a .014 ? coz heard some stuff bout it being impossible in our climate..ya..
you need to set your guitar up to take thicker strings.

it depends whether you are referring to acoustics or electrics as well.

climate doesn't really factor for a truss rod - it's a metal rod. tension will break it more than simple temperature will.

and i have no idea why u're going into 0.14 - it's insanely hard to play with unless u practice like 6 hours a day minimum to get used to the guage and the stiffness. or you don't bend your strings.
thor666 said:
and i have no idea why u're going into 0.14 - it's insanely hard to play with unless u practice like 6 hours a day minimum to get used to the guage and the stiffness. or you don't bend your strings.

OR you play jazz :o
SRV uses ridiculously thick strings, but still it's only .013-.058. And you are intending to use .014. :lol:
Wormseatbirds, are you Edwin?
heavier gauge are best for low tuning ..like d or lower..
for standard, tuning esp for trems/floyds u might need more springs..thats all..
i would suggest u checkthe neck regularly..
SRV used .13s ad his 'minimum'.
he used thicker than that before

ure quite a strong guy to use 14's
i practiced on .12s on acoustic and after a while got used to it but cant imagin .14s

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