讨闹派 RazzlePlay First Live [Album Launch Concert 02-02-09]


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Click here to preview 讨闹派 RazzlePlay's music
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Hi Guys,

Just to update and making sure you guys are reading this :)

This event is 100% free! And the best part? You stand to win a Maestro SD1 acoustic guitar~ What's the winning rate you asking? the hall can only seat 500+ people so i can guarantee you this is way easier to win then to write into some magazine :)


Click here to view and hear the SD1


Click here to preview the original songs!

Thanks for supporting the Mandarin Indie Rock!

Best Regards,
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Hi guys!

Currently the number of audience that have got their ticket is lower then expected! So what are you waiting for? It's your best chance to witness a new Mandarin band up and coming and also to win a Maestro SD1 :D

1900-2200hrs, 2nd February 2009, Singapore Polytechnic Auditorium.

Don't miss such a great event!