Recent content by srv

  1. S

    Pearl Rhythm Traveller or Tama Stagestar ?

    Which one is better ? Can any experts pls give me some useful comments ?
  2. S

    Recommend a cheap voice recorder

    Can anyone recommend me a cheap mico cassette voice recorder so that I can record and hear what I play ? Thanks.
  3. S

    Why 3rd string always go out of tune for LP ?

    Can anybody tells me why the 3rd string (G) always go out of tune for all Les Paul guitars ? Pls enlighten me. Thanks.
  4. S

    Refretting a guitar

    How much does it costs to re-fret a guitar ? Can anybody recommend me a person who can do a good job ? How long is the process? :D
  5. S

    Buying guitar from eBay

    Have anyone here purchase a vintage guitar from eBay b4 ? Is it safe ? What are the things that I must pay attention to ? Hope someone can help me .... :D
  6. S

    Recommend Ibanez guitar

    Anybody can recommend me an Ibanez guitar in the range of $900 to $1k ? :)
  7. S

    Natural Neck finish LP

    Does anyone knows whether there is any Epiphone Les Paul guitar with a natural neck finish behind ?
  8. S

    Zoom products

    Anyone knows who bring in Zoom products beside City Music ?
  9. S

    Zoom PS-04

    Did anyone here owns or had tried out the Zoom PS-04 before? I am planning to get this portable studio recorder. Can give me some comments on it ?
  10. S

    Recommend a good drum machine

    Can anyone recommend a good drum machine for me to practise on my timing ? Thanks....
  11. S

    Roland Cube-30 amp

    Have anyone tried on the Roland Cube-30 amp over at Swee Lee ? Can I have some comments on it ? :wink: