Recent content by Mew

  1. M

    Epiphone Tube Amps

    Anyone knows if any music store carries them locally? especially the Valve Junior Combo or the Galaxie 10 Combo .
  2. M

    Graphtech saddles

    Anyone knows how much a set of graphtech stringsavers saddles for stratocasters cost roughly?
  3. M

    Speaker change

    Hi, anyone knows who can I send my amp to to change out the speakers? thinking of changing out the blue marvel speaker in my classic 30 for a Celestion Vintage 30 instead of selling the entire amp off. Is there anyone locally that could do this?
  4. M

    OM: November Rain

    just the solo part, Apologise for the poor playing. Pls give me ya comments and how do I improve on it.. thanks. :cry:
  5. M

    Strings feels lose ... wierd

    I juz changed a set of strings on my strat today and somehow the thinnest 3 strings felt extremely lose even though they are in tune, they seem to rattle abit ... Just to check before I make any mods to resolve it, this should be caused a problem of the tuners rather thn the vintage trem right ?
  6. M

    OM: Don't Cry Intro

    Just a short intro of Don't Cry I done with my strat -> amp -> com mic pardon the poor playing skills and sound quality
  7. M

    PRS singlecuts are back

    Here's the article Just in case u guys arent aware about it, PRS has won the lawsuit . 8)
  8. M

    Fender Fat 50's pickups

    Anyone knows which guitar shop brings them in? and how much do they cost roughly?
  9. M

    New to home recording

    Im on a budget to do home recording for my guitar , basically yesterday I tried plugging in a karaoke mic into the line in of my com's soundcard, however I am unable to hear anything out of my com nor record it. I intened to mic the amp instead of recording straight from my guitar. how do i go...
  10. M

    Where can I find these DT cds?

    The following : When Dream And Day Unite Images And Words Awake A Change of seasons Falling into Infinity 6 degrees of inner turbulance Dont seem to be able to find them in most cd stores . Do let me know if u seen any of them recently . Thanks!
  11. M

    Where to get Tri A.C

    Anyone knows where I can get them? both sinamex and esden dont have any stock :cry:
  12. M

    how much will it cost

    To change epiphone's pots and 3-way switch + input jack? will it cost over 100? im on a tight budget sadly :(