Your musical roadblock


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You definitely ran into at least one. Share how you dealt with it, or how it dealt with you.

Me? I just got flattened by "One Evil Comes - A Million Follow" by Kreator. I've spent around 4 hours whacking the song and I still can't get it perfect. All I've got is a painful left hand that's sore across the palm, wrist, all 5 fingers and a bruise on my right index finger from gripping the pick and playing non-stop.
Kreator is crazy shit dude...

I guess mine would currently be 5 string sweeps. My hammer ons and pull offs had to be exceptionally loud and audible and also the muting of unwanted strings had to be properly palmed down in order to execute a clean sweep. Felt some soreness and muscle cramps in my pinky but I'm okay now.
As Above, So Below by Yngwie. Been trying to play that for best part of 20 years with little success.
As Above, So Below by Yngwie. Been trying to play that for best part of 20 years with little success.

20 years?!?! thats damn long! but its malmsteen...
anyway, mine's the wolf and raven intro, been learning it since abt 8 months plus and still playing at only ard 3/4 speed :(
sometimes i get too busy with my school workload, and so i have very little time or even no time for my musical activities.

Solution : go to bed later, sleep less.. -> more time to play the guitar. sigh..
20 years?!?! thats damn long! but its malmsteen...
anyway, mine's the wolf and raven intro, been learning it since abt 8 months plus and still playing at only ard 3/4 speed :(

It's not hard if you know where to place your fingers.your basics must also be perfect though.