WTS The Cobus Method DVD


New member
Hello guys, I have an extra unopened set of The Cobus Method DVD for sale at $200 (neg).
Standard Retail Price is around $350 with shipping! Plus it is currently sold out so you can't even order it online.
You can get more info about the DVDs at http://www.cobusmethod.com/

Really informative instructional DVD by one of the best youtube drummers out there. Tons of new grooves, dynamics and methods to get more interesting sounds out from your drumkit and cymbals!

SMS 96546123 if interested and I will get back to you ASAP.


Im interested in getting the cobus method dvd. Is it still available?
Btw, In the website that you posted, it says the price is $147 and $170 with shipping.
Can u clarify?


Thanks for your question.
I just visited their website and yes, the price now is indeed $147 and $170 with shipping due to the Christmas sale which they are having at the moment. However, the price stated is in USD meaning that it will cost S$221/- (170 x 1.3) after converting to Singapore dollars. Moreover, the price calculated is before credit cards company charge you for the currency change, meaning that the final price will be well over S$221/- which is still higher than the price I quoted after their discount for the same DVDs. (Plus you would not have to wait further for your shipment to arrive!)

You can drop me an SMS should you have any further enquiries. Cheers! =)