WTB : Microphones & Interface


New member
Hi there.I would like to do some cover version of songs.
Am having difficulties deciding between purchasing a USB microphone or a Normal Microphone with an interface.
I'll be using my Mac book Pro for the recording using Garage Band.
Please advice me if i were to go the USB way, which microphones should i consider and if i were to go the Non USB way,
which microphone & interface should i consider.IM just starting off so i don't really wanna spend too much.My budget is $250 or less.
Hope to hear some good advises and comparisons..
Audio Technica AT2020 Usb Mic

Hello there. I suggest you to get the audio technica at2020 usb mic. As your budget is around $250 range, you should get that. The quality of the mic is really clear compared to other usb mics.