Which school to choose?

Most pop piano schools that teach improvisation and accompaniment should be ok. But best is to have the teacher playing in a gigging band.

The schools listed by the threadsetter is a good start. Google up their websites and check out where they are. Visit them ask if the teachers play in bands...and what genre their band plays.

Ask specifically if the teachers can teach how to playing in bands or do they have to stick to a set of teaching materials. Then ask for demo sessions to see if your friend wanna learn the stuff they show. If they don't provide demo sessions, they're not interested in your money.

Another way is to google. Google up hiring requirements of the music school for piano teachers. Keywords like "performing/performance experience", "play in a band setting", "play accompaniment", "comping", etc. The school with these keywords should have the teacher your friend is looking for. :)

As your friend's need is very specific, it should be a 1 to 1 lesson and for the particular genre that the band plays. Keep shopping and don't anyhow compromise since the needs are so specific.

Edit: I guess once your friend grasped the basics of improvisation in a band, then she can go on to learn from other teachers specialized in other genre and incorporate in the band playing.
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Are you a beginner or an intermediate (perhaps even advance) in keyboard?

From you:
"As far as I'm concerned, I want to learn pop piano because I want to be able to sing and play at the same time.
And of course, out of this course, I also hope that it can assist me in composing songs in the near future as I always dream of composing a song of my own.
Ha, at the moment, I have no idea of which style suits me the most. But, I'm quite comfortable with blues, swing and jazz songs. "

I started keyboard on my own, and relied heavily on my ear and music theory that's enough for contemporary music composition. I think it's more important that you have a passion than a good teacher. Strive to be a student that does MORE than his/her homework so that you will source out beyond classroom curriculum. Makes you more a musician than someone who just learns keyboard. :)

If you're a beginner, i think as long as you don't pick school that heavily banks on sheetmusic or classical recitals, you're fine. I've never attended any of the schools you've mentioned, but if all are pop music, I think it's not too much a problem (unless they don't know what they are doing :p ).

If you're an intermediate or advance player, you might want to find a private teacher instead. Be ready to pay at least $40-60 per 45minutes, and yeah, pay peanuts and learn monkies :p (no offence, but most of the time it's true that cheap stuffs come cheap, unless you're lucky, u get a good teacher who charges low)

I hope this helps :)
I go a few of pop school. My piano skill is trained by Play-By-Ear. Since your friend got grade, you can tailor his/her need to the instructor.
hey, wanna ask "play by ear" school is learning in Jazz?? Do they teach u read music note? i jus finish pop piano in hark music but i want to go further haha...my skill is like very basic simple......
anyone to suggest where got hole?
I would say that "play by ear" can teach many style of solo piano. Accompaniment also being taught. They will tailor to what you want. I do see my style changes as I learn to add salt and butter to my playing style. I cannot learn that as I can come from very branded pop chinese school. I could not think of other school. You could try SOMA too. Many of them have concert tour experience I think. They offer structured course which I don't really like. There are some instructor that I really want to under study with. You could ask SOMA to as it is closer to what you have learn.
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Hi all,

i would say different schools teach differently, though it all voice down to chord improvisation, playing patterns etc etc...

different as in the context of the content being delivered..
some schools they do "spoonfeed", which means to say.. from A-Z, everything do nicely for u...
advantage is: you play a song nicely, you don't hv to crack your brain.
disadvantage!!: you realize you learned nothing when you go out there.
i think the disadvantage clearly overwrites the advantage.

different people hv diff needs, some do love spoonfeeding, cos it makes learning easier..

for me, i've went on to another school.. and i realized a big difference in their teaching methods and the way it is delivered.
the previous school spoon feeded me so much that i realize in fact my knowledge is very limited, and have to force myself to step out of the comfort zone.

so, it is impt to know which direction you want.
the teacher spoon feed you?
or a teacher who gives u the required skills and you exploring on your own.
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Thats interesting.

If a student does not want to be spoonfed, he will not allow himself to be. He will question and question and even find the answer himself.

If he wants to be spoonfed, he will just continue to pay the fees and be spoonfed.

When I was in a school that has a fixed syllabus and in a group class when I first learnt the keyboard, I was taught certain comping styles. But I would stay back after lesson to ask my teacher how to apply to other songs or even how to play a certain song in a style that was not taught.

Up to now, I have had a 3 teachers. They were all willing to answer any questions I have. Never was I turned away by any teacher.
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sometimes the spoon is missing.
even if u wan ask the teacher, some will "tsk tsk" like that...
or say that they have class after this..

you know, some school teachers are so busy, packed with so many classes that they seriously cannot be bothered to answer your questions. so long as you are fed with the spoon, they are ok.
Of course, my teachers were all pretty busy too. Most of time I will get my questions answered sooner and others later. Sometimes sooner (when I'm supposed to play the song in church very very soon - emergency!). Sometimes later because I have to learn certain stuff before I can appreciate/understand the answers to my questions.

Well then, be glad that you're on SOFT, Flynn! Coz there are many people who would answer your questions. :)

Edit: Wow...there are 1,500 over views of this thread. Hope ppl find this useful!
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