Where to buy Tung Oil, Beeswax, Carnauba wax and steel wool?


New member
Yo peeps.

Any idea where to buy Tung Oil, Beeswax paste and Carnauba wax paste, and Steel wool - LOCALLY?

need them to refinish the body of natural body guitars.

Thanks all!!
There's a hardware store located in the building next to Isetan Scotts where they have all the items you listed. If my memory serves me right, the hardware store is located at the 3rd storey.
yup shaw towers. they definately have tung oil and steel wool, not sure about the other two but probably yes.

empty71 quoted:

There's a hardware store located in the building next to Isetan Scotts where they have all the items you listed. If my memory serves me right, the hardware store is located at the 3rd storey.

thanks dude! will definitely drop by the place. Really thanks for the info, or the shipping from abroad gonna kill man... thanks!

danish oil? may consider, bro edder. Smell is no problem to me. anyway I gonna let body dry overnight before application of 2nd and subsequent coats.

No pain - no gain.

Its time to get sweaty and dirty again..... :x
ripper, don't get too overzealous with the oil.

A few thin coats is better than one THICK coat. Its damn satisfying to see the wood soaking up ALL the oil... but really... one thin coat first. Let it dry, polymerize. Light sanding then apply some more.

Apply just nice to beautify and know when to stop. You don't want too much oil inside the wood and it'll take ages for it to degas. And I HEARD that too much oil soaked inside the wood will deaden the sound.

Damn... just realised I was using too much plastic processing terms.

Polymerize = Hardens
Degas = Volatile chemicals from the oil exiting the body. (SMELL!)
wah power. wanted to find em locally last time but couldn't get.

they actually ship the oil over? amazing. normally stuff like this they won't deliver.
I guess. You have to go with... them single manned businesses.

Ebay man.

If you want the guy's contact, let me know... but with shipping and all, the 90ml bottle of Tru Oil costs like 15 bucks.
i got Pseudo Oil ...$1.50 a bottle ...and you will doin this in no time !!
