Where is a good place to rent AV equipment?


New member
Howd Good people of SOFT,

I need the advise of you guys.. I'm doing a D&D show and will be performing in a band. I need to rent out at least a 16-channel mixer to mix the sound and send out via stereo to the main house mixer (only have 6 channels, the soundman managing the sound reserves 2 channels for my mixed sound on his main mixer board - so that it can be sent out via the main house speakers.

I need a 16-channel mixer and how much will it cost me, well not me lah, my company actually. In addition to that, I also need to rent out a standard drum mics (with 2 condenser for overheads) and additional 8 Sm57 mics to mic up the amps (plus 16 long XLR cables for each of the mics).

So, where can I go to rent out all these equipment and roughly what is the budget required. For your kind advise please. Thank you.
