We are in the top 10 category for places to find sexy girls!!!


New member
Has anyone read The Newpaper today? We have sexy girls!


It’s all about the accent. Singaporean English (Singlish) is at once sophisticated, endearing, cute, and sexy. Somewhere between public school Londoner, New Delhi socialite, and urban Chinese, this is English as it should be spoken.

Singapore’s year round humidity and relative affluence means that the summer range of fashion is constantly updated and the ladies of this micro-state are always a step ahead of it. Fashion-conscious, self aware, and demure, Singapore is smoldering!


Oh, and if this is against the forum's rules, please take it down. I just wanted to share the news.

We beat countries like Brazil and Venezuela
Singapore does have beautiful women.

America has a lot more overweight or plastic women who pile on way too much makeup and live for botox and breat implants. Singapore women seem to rely on their natural beauty, that's my observation anyway.
It's cause Singapore has a lower population of women. So beautiful women in a ratio of women in generally, will still be alot ! :mrgreen:
We don't have the sexiest men according to that website.

Too bad. But at least vicks and K182 can polish up their Singlish - guess you still have a future if music doesn't work out! :cool:

*climbs into flame-retardant suit*
*tears flame retardant suit apart with bare hands*

singlish is many things, but sophisticated is NOT one of them.
i have a feeling fgl is gonna come in and detest about there not being any sexy men in SG.
singlish is many things, but sophisticated is NOT one of them

Vicks my friend, you mustn't listen to SPGs.

....wait a minute, did the survey folks talked to some SPGs and thought they were speaking Singlish? My, that would be a hoot!
i dont get whats going on.vicko and singlish?what does that gotta do with sexy women in SG?
this is a suprise. but then again it can be true with all the mixed blooded locals around.
and with all those foreigners migrating here to get a residentship
Ok ok lah.. The hot ones seem so unattainable at times.. Lol..
I totally agree with Istanbul, but I'm surprised no French cities or Russian cities were mentioned..
And notice that they listed cities, save for Singapore.. :rolleyes:
singapore does actually have some really hot women, especially some of the mixed blood, eurasians, etc.

you just never see them in the streets. they're partying all night in private parties, and at fashion events, etc.
ah it must be the mixed blood gene. :p
you see, fgl isn't actually pure anything!

actually he is lah.
starts with S
make a guess people!