Watch Lunarin's Silverpiece vid, it's good


New member
Just watched Lunarin's Silverpiece video. The video is cool, man. All the white space around it...The tune is good too, esp when she gets to the 'divine' part. Kind of reminds me of A Perfect Circle. Linda Ong is a cool chick too. But big-time lawyer lah. Intimidates me... :lol:
Yes indeed ...the best so far ...watched it three times back to back !!

anywayz >> no justice done to the recording...i hope it was my speakers :(
Lunarin rocks soo hard that my *beep* hurts.

*waiting for some professional industry experts to diss the video*
The recording was good wat. Clear enough on my PC. If the bass was heavier, the song should have that kinda APC vibe. But I'm just talking cock lah. They have their own sound.
Scream_ed said:
The recording was good wat. Clear enough on my PC. If the bass was heavier, the song should have that kinda APC vibe. But I'm just talking cock lah. They have their own sound.

No no ....the music was superb...nice lyrics and vocals..good concept ya.
But the guitar sounded as if played from a small amp. This i have noticed happenin to numerous local bands. The guitar being the driver it needs to drive lah...why compromise> >> the drums was delivered nice but also sounded a bit distant....see what we want in tune like this is as if your are e few metres form the stage kinda feel. Why? coz nowadays music is mostly consumed by headphones need that feel!
Just my 2c :)
Oh. That ah? I get what you mean now. Yeah, true. I watched APC vid on youtube. It's more in-the-face. But I like the overall feel of the song itself. I would've preferred to hear the guitarist rip a four bar solo or sommething. Like what Evanescence does sometimes.
Scream_ed said:
Oh. That ah? I get what you mean now. Yeah, true. I watched APC vid on youtube. It's more in-the-face. But I like the overall feel of the song itself. I would've preferred to hear the guitarist rip a four bar solo or sommething. Like what Evanescence does sometimes.

Solo?? Noise lah ... :twisted:
Proves that she's got that kinda oomph to her, doesn't it?

Truth be told, I'm still more bowed over by Faye from FIR. Check out the MV for "Revolution". Should be available from youtube.

Asians look better in black and white than ang mohs.
dun care abt the video..

i wasnt even watching..

had my eyes closed.
the song was juz soothing.

the vocals are nice.

sense some cranberries influence there.
hmm..but i've only heard 1 song..

it aint enuff man.

but where do i get them aniwae??

time to support local bands.
kid_slacker said:
will check them out AFTER my exams.thanks edder

dun wait!!! coz the album is great!!!

and of coz there's APC influence...they're partly influenced by APC and TOOL!! yeah...super influences too...Lunarin is damn cool...

Influence by a certain band is one thing and straight up same riffs and rhythm are a different playground all together.

The do sound like perfect circle (tool and APC have the same singer btw if no one noticed) cos one of their songs have the same breakdown tune.

I cant safely say they did not infringe some copyright issue. Cos we all know where the Ah-men breakbeat came from right?

Pardon me but u people out there really dig the vox? Great job to TNT who mixed the tracks and the mastering agents overseas no doubt. But are u just amazed at the lass with a bass? But oh well these days, i supposed only appearance counts as far as the local idol has showed this time round.

Re: influence

Darren said:
I cant safely say they did not infringe some copyright issue. Cos we all know where the Ah-men breakbeat came from right?

Hurhurhur ~ I think 2/3 of the band can answer that question for you regarding the copyright issue.

Btw, it's 'Amen', Ah-men.