Want to learn Jazz...


New member
Hi all, been really interested in jazz and all...Wondering how to go about. First of all which artistes or albums will recommend? I'm looking for those without singing but just a double bass, guitar and drums. Those with nice running basses and..you know what i mean la...

I'm interested in these kind....


Second is how i should go about learning...Some background of me...i'm actually a classical/contemporary etc piano person but been playing the guitar for the past 3 years. Which scales should i focus on or how would you suggest i start learning? I'm not totally dumb to jazz as in i can "dream" of stuff and all but no wa i can put it out on the guitar with ease. Gotta try here try there, play some runs and some simple progressions...but its all based on just trial and error and probably won't go far...

Thanks alot for any suggestions.
hmm...have you thought of taking lessons. I know someone who taught me jazz and jazz guitar playing from scratch. He teaches at a music instrument shop on the second floor of the bulding beside Peace centre( I forgot the name of the building...I think it was park mall or selgie complex...sumthin like that). Its beside the guitar shop that sells all the high end sutff(Fenders, gibsons, etc) I started learning with him without any prior knowledge of jazz nor classical. His name is Justin.
Its Justin Ho. If you wanna learn bass then go to yamaha and look for this teacher called Johnathan Sim. You can ask Justin for this guy named Andrew,,,used to be in the NUS big band. Plays guitar and bass. Good teacher too, not sure if he's back from Boston though.

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