vocal booth


New member
is it possible to get those in singapore? maybe a small one which can house 2 person? just as so a proper vocal recording can be taken place at home?

is it possible to build it yourself too? but i am not looking at egg trays man. lols

if anyone knows about it do chip in : )
i have one of this, http://www.whisperroom.com/ .

you sure can build one yourself. just need some wood and nails. plus lots of drawings. :lol:
hi soft. tera and me once wanted to get the whispering room too? but is there a singapore dealer?

mind telling me how much you got it for and how do you bring it in THANKS! : D

i am planning on getting the new JBL 4300 monitors a few months later, as i heard it is good for home studio as it can callibrate your room acoustic and produce sounds to match the room acoustic. but i wonder how true is that. however i do need now a room to isolate during vocal recording. will be good if you guys could advised : ) thanks
there's no dealer in singapore. you have to get it from them directly. they have the price on their website.

you doing home recording? is it really very noisy when you do your recording? if not, the vocal booth is not really a must. just find a corner far from your computer/noise to do the recording.

do bear in mind the whisper room has its limitation. i live along the main road, when a lorry pass by, i still can pick up the rumble.
yep i just check the price, well i am doing home recording do not have a proper place to record, well the good thing is that i live in the 17th storey, and if its during the night it wouldnt be a problem. the bad thing is that more room are all walls. i read abit of acoustic a few days back, apperently my room aint suitable for recording, my walls are blue in colour too.

i am using an AKG 414, i heaven test any recording on the room yet but i doubt it will be any good. something like the whiseper room would had help as there aint really that much noise in my flat. i will try and see how it goes, if theres a need i would get foams instead.

thanks soft, but the whisperroom is indeed to expensive. lols. : )
that's cool man. just do the monitoring via headphones.

do update us on the result.
haha.. zenguan, i read the forums liao, the calibaration method doesnt help alot, because its just adjusting the eq of the speakers according to your room , it helps a little only, but at least their monitors are good. best is to treat your room with acoustic panels n traps.

for info for other ppl, to reccomended acoustic companies :

these 2 frequently reccomended on tweak's forums
sorry this could turn out to be a lame bad joke, but james your vocal booth suddenly reminds me of an impression of a "portaloo".

but then again , could someone just buy a porta loo (those plastic portable loo used for funerals) and start padding it "dead" around the insides? and of course without the toilet bowl and basin. hahah.
blueprintstudios, actually might be a good idea to keep the toilet bowl in it. ha..ha... sometime recording can take sooooo long.
2 advantages :

1 = "nervous recording vocals? it's okay you no longer have to shit in your pants. make yourself comfortable."

2 = "anybody want smoke break go now." "what about toilet breaks?" "shit on demand."