Unit Asia - South East Asia Tour - Jazz Concert 2008


New member
Hey there,

anybody went for the concert yesterday??? It was a blast! :D

Any comments, please share.
Anyway, here's my experience.

1.5 week before concert: Order DVD from Japan (to get Hiroyuki Noritake - the drummer from T-Square/Sync DNA/Mori to autograph)

1 day before concert: DVD delivered! *whew*

2 hrs before concert: Call Japan Embassy in Singapore to enquire about meeting the musicians/autograph signing session. Reply: "We don't have any arrangements for that."

45mins before concert: Ask the staff at the registeration counter about getting autographs again. Reply: "Sorry, we don't do that. Its not in the plan."

And I thought this program is for cultural exchange purposes.

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The concert was a blast. Its organised by the Japan Embassy in Singapore and its for free.

Performing musicians are as follows:

1. Hiroyuki Noritake (drums)
He's amazing. Such a small frame but his playing is powerful, precise and musical at the same time. His playing was rather complex at his solos but never dominates when playing with others. I was wow-ed by his dynamics in his solos because its not about whacking loud, whacking fast or hard but there are wonderful rhythmic phrases.

He was uttering his own playing, watching other musicians, smiling at their playing, enjoying himself at the same time. Nice, this is one musician who struck me as coming to play in the band as well as enjoying the show from the audience's perspective...and I wonder what gel he use such that his hair was never a strand out of place.

2. Shigeki Ippon (bass)
His gear in the concert consists an electric double bass and an electric bass. Throughout the concert, I find that his playing is kinda normal. Good, but not very exciting. Like doing his job like an ordinary bassist.

It is only at the last encore song that he caught my attention. He didn't have much chance for solo throughout the concert. However, at the end, he had one. His playing has a heavy touch of "old-japan-geisha-theatrical" feel done with the electric double bass. Very fusion. Nothing I ever heard before. Solid. Wished he had done that a bit more. :)

3. Koh Mr. Saxman (Saxaphone)
This saxaphonist from Thailand is hilarious! He plays very well with good articulation. However, he is also a whistling kettle, a screeching train halting to a stop, etc all at the same time. lol...

I love his battling with the guitarist! Like kids, trying to outdo one another with the bigger, louder toy. It is so amusing and I was lmao.

4. Tay Cher Siang (Keys)
He really played brilliantly. In fact, he's the best jazz pianist I've ever watched live. So far. The song he composed, Elephant Vanishes and OneTown are great pieces. Dreamy, fun, and as somebody mentioned…catchy.

I like his touch a lot. His playing is very precise, firm and meticulous to me. Even his soft notes are very precise and clear no matter if it is played on the Steinway or on the Yamaha XS7.

5. Isao Miyoshi (Guitar)
This guitarist is so funny! I totally love his style. I don’t mean playing style, but his personality. The cute reddish hairstyle, the red flowery shirt and black leather pants. Haha…

He brought with him 3 guitars: an acoustic, an electric and a jazz guitar. I don’t have the taste of heavy distortion in jazz, but what he did was still ok for me. His distortion is generally quite clean. He played very well and the band played many pieces of his composition, including one which he completed the previous night. The one I like best is Adventures of Sanchiki. Sanchiki is his nickname and the the song is about him as a young boy. The song is quite cute with a touch of wackiness in the bass grooves by Shigeki Ippon.

Another song I like is the one (forgot the name…like Paradise of Fishes or whatever) which he played with Tay Cher Siang only. He was on the acoustic guitar. Wonderfully relaxing. The song was quite close to being bossa nova.

Musician profile here: http://www.sg.emb-japan.go.jp/event_JAZZ_m.pdf
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Yes!!! I haven't got to the accoustics!

The Malaysian pianist, Tay Cher Siang, was playing a steinway. The first time I heard a steinway live, I thought it was just so so. But I didn't take in the fact that it was an outdoor gig.

This time, with the brilliant accoustics, I truly enjoyed the sound of the steinway live!The sound of the steinway is like old wine. Mellow...fruity for the top notes with an oak flavour for the low notes. Haha...there is very much depth with each note.

And the pianist really played brilliantly. In fact, he's the best jazz pianist I've ever watched lived. So far.
bro, don't burst the bubblelar. They r coming to Malaysia to perform also. Perform in Our Dewan Philaharmonik Malaysia. Steinway & Sons piano are the best in the world. But in our country, most ppl like kawai or Yamaha. But if u tell them steinway, some of them will look at u n say? wat's that........

The pianist is a lecturer in a college near my area. I must ask my frens to see if I can go lecture hall n listen to him teach.
I like Kawai also. Its like the froth on a cuppacino to me. :D

Diff piano, diff characteristic.
was there for the 2nd night, the performance is definitely remarkable, I totally enjoyed myself during the whole show. Am glad the band played 2 songs for the encore.
Yes, I would have paid for that as well. :D

Perhaps the organiser didn't know the musicians are good enough to for people to pay to watch. When I asked one of the staff, they didn't even know the musicians' names or which one was which.
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