The Quests


New member
I was reading a book by the ex bassist now turn engineer Henry Chua and his book on the quests. I think just for knowing history of local music scene, everyon musician trying to make it into the line of work should read it. I mean.. wah biang they were big man. Whats Singapore's platinum benchmark? 5000 sales right. They were selling hundreds of thousands of records. They also gave insight on recording and how many line ups they chnaged thro the years. And even up till now folks in Australia are still playing their killer hit "Shanty" which by the way, kicked beatles of the number one spot for 12 weeks.

Singapore had once a very vibrant music scene which could have sprouted to a major one.. but no thanks to our Godfather (who else) and some crap entertainment license scheme that drove live music to its grave.

And now we are still buliding it from the bottom while our neighbours soared in their local music scene. Now that is the stupidity of a politician who has no place in his heart for music.

I hope I wont get sued for libel/defamatory or some shit.

your post got 3 very distinct points.

1. The Quests
2. Music scene (past and present)
3. Government

Since your title is "The Quests", maybe we concentrate on that?

BTW, what is the title of the book(s) you were referring to?
soft said:
BTW, what is the title of the book(s) you were referring to?
