Tama Iron Cobra toe stopper


New member
Hi guys, just curious if any one of u guys who owns a TAMA IC took out the toe stopper b4? I tried to do it b4 but the screw was so tightly locked that i cant even turn it no matter how hard i turned. :(
I took out both toe stoppers almost immediately after i bought mine many years back. They weren't that hard to remove. Try using a longer handled drum key? Or extend the one that comes with the ICs with a thin pipe or something (ie, get more leverage).
Just for the fun of it, I took them out with the Tama IC Key that was came with them. No issue whatsoever leh. it's possibly that some dirt got stuck/wedged between the screw and the hole.
For me the pedals i used before didn't have toe stoppers and i tend to play with my foot quite high up on the pedal for more power. I think it's a personal preference/feel thing lar. :p
Phew i finally took them out, haha. I wanted to take out the stopper cuz i wan to have a longer footboard for me to learn the heel toe technique, whenever i wan to learn the technique with the toe stopper on, i always accidentally kicked it, and OUCH IT HURTS. haha