Storing guitars


New member
Hi people,

Its obvious that the benefits of storing guitars in hard cases outweigh softer cases. But here's my situation.

I play at home only, bedroom player and do not have much space left for a hard case. Therefore, I was thinking of keeping my next electric guitar in a soft medium case in my cupboard at a typical 25-25 degree angle upright position. Leaning on the back of the cupboard of course.

I'm careful with my items. That said I wish to know whether storing a guitar in this manner will be hazardous to the guitar in the short and long term? Will the neck warp bla bla? Oh yeah I do play my guitars every weekend and change strings monthly.

Hi, I think you should invest in a guitar stand. That should be the best way to store guitars without the fear of it falling neck-first on the floor. Besides its better to have some kind of support below to not put the entire guitar's weight on its strap button. It is also good to have a proper neck support.
If you place your guitar neck on the walls of the cupboard, the neck will warp in time to come. Its better to invest in a hardcase or put it on a stand where the neck is not placed under any pressure.
leaning the guitar's neck on anyting (other than a guitar stand) is not recommended, it would entail in neck warp in time to come.

IF your guitar's headstock is not angled (eg: Squier strat/ yamaha pacifica headstock), you can pack it up in a soft case & lay it flat (strings facing ceiling) on the floor, maybe under your bed/ way up on the cupboard. also, avoid placing your guitar in an enclosed space, leave it in the open @ room temperature.
can go and see the fender stand at swee lee... i really like it cos its small and compact and can be folded and placed in this small bag the size of those for the foldable umbrallaz so easy to carry around.....but it is really quite steady and despite the brand it cost just about the same as other stands.
Depends lah, usually you can rectify it by adjustin the truss rod, ask someone to show you lor, usually dun need to bring to a tech to fix it.

Err....neck warp is different. Not solution to adjust truss rod. Truss rod is to adjust neck bow or action fine tune.

When a neck warp, means the neck is twisted from shoe(base) to nut(head). Normally caused by weak build, spoilt truss rod, unsuitable enviornment, age or abuse (over tuning, wrong guage of strings...etc)

May or not be repairable due to severity of problem. Normally not a cheap fix if repairable.

Bring to guitar connection to vet your problem.
subversion said:
IF your guitar's headstock is not angled (eg: Squier strat/ yamaha pacifica headstock), you can pack it up in a soft case & lay it flat (strings facing ceiling) on the floor, maybe under your bed/ way up on the cupboard. also, avoid placing your guitar in an enclosed space, leave it in the open @ room temperature.

So if it's headstock are angled, we shouldn't lay it on a flat surface? Damn, I've been doing that all the time. Can I just put something underneath the body of the guitar so that it elevates the guitar abit and makes the weight centred on the body itself? And by the way are there much difference between expensive and cheap hard cases? How to make a choice between hard cases? Any help appreciated.
Try and get a hard case if you are using a guitar with angled neck, the extra neck support will be highly useful. These is especially the case for guitars such as Gibson SGs or other SGs copies due to the neck joint at the upper frets (19th for standard and 21th for certain reissues models).