Stock blues: Sing to be famous?


New member
Hi guys
Having a thought recently.
If you play blues, is it necessary to sing to be famous?

Good examples we know are - bb king, albert king, srv, hendrix, clapton

I really think that singing aids playing and building up of emotions etc etc

Any really famous blues players that dont sing?
larry carlton, jimmie vaughan?

but it really seems like, if you can sing, you can more appealing
maybe it's more about target audience

if you don't sing, only the musicians in general would be interested
once you open your mouth, you widen your reach
jimmie vaughan sings as well.

i can only think of 2 non-singing blues guitar players - ronnie earl and kenny wayne shepard
well i guess blues is a kinda music that have singing from the start..

It is about how the guitar "talk" with e vocal's lyric.. it's like replying.. get what i mean? of course nowadays blues "guitarist" that i've seen only shreds over the minor pentatonics..

some of those i can think of that plays blues very well and yet not that popular is joe bonamasa, andy timmons..
kenny wayne shepherd doesnt sing? i guess you havent heard his last studio album :p

ohhh the 2004 one.

yeah, i was only thinking of his first and his last one, where he did alot of collaborations with other greats.

if i remember correctly, gr3y, andy timmons is more a studio pro who plays different styles than a blues player
ohhh the 2004 one.

yeah, i was only thinking of his first and his last one, where he did alot of collaborations with other greats.

if i remember correctly, gr3y, andy timmons is more a studio pro who plays different styles than a blues player

i remember andy timmons when he was in the glam band 'danger danger' :p