SOFT 3rd Monthly Meeting (10th Sep 2005)

Ok those meeting. Or First timers...

6.15 at Raffles MRT. A guy with MARSHALL AMPLIFICATION black tshirt. About 1.7m tall. With a black cap and light brown shades, denim jeans and black shoes, Looking like a cheap Satch ripoff ;) .

Yeah. Thats me. Trying out the new look. PM me for my number and arrangements.
BlackMoo said:
Ok those meeting. Or First timers...

6.15 at Raffles MRT. A guy with MARSHALL AMPLIFICATION black tshirt. About 1.7m tall. With a black cap and light brown shades, denim jeans and black shoes, Looking like a cheap Satch ripoff ;) .

Yeah. Thats me. Trying out the new look. PM me for my number and arrangements.
ooi so who am i actually meeting or are we not meeting? lol. anyway will be going to the meeting with a friend from sweelee maybe after makan. anybody wanna meet pm to confirm. cya tmr!
pepper- said:
Why am I not surprised that you'll reply to this.

Because i am the mastermind behind the idea :lol: If you're up for it, i'll REALLY be the accomplice to fool some people :wink:
CAN CAN! Hahaha! Eh but tmr cannot ley. Another time perhaps. We shall plan carefully! (aren't we letting the whole world know about this already, by posting here? haha)
you're so full of crappy ideas laa. haha! i shall look for you next yr when it's nearing Apr 1st. =)
Alright last count. Those who wanna come, those first timers included. If you wanna go, we SOFTies are meeting at 6.15 at Raffles place. Any queries, don't hesitate to call nine one zero one four six three four. BlackMoo :) .
super thanks to Keith and Roger for giving the wonderful presentation. really impressed with the song that your student did. do post us some of your students' work ok. make us work harder in coming out with better music.

thanks to vaiyen and newbie for helping out with the registration. we have about 60 people who turned up today!!!!

thanks to ady for helping out with the picture taking. got nice nice pix of me? ha..ha.....haaaa
yeap..met some other softies again and new friends like dom soon. and i finally had the hot chocolate haha..but a bit too sweet though.
Hahaha no worries James.

Door jerks get to sit with a pretty lady :p

Lets pray that we get more of those pretttyyyy girls sitting as door... Ladies. Ahem. lol
heehee........ get 2 shake hands wif 2 softies but 4got their names liao........ :oops:

do tell mi ur nick if u r the 2........ :wink:

hey guys heard you all had a great time on saturday! was a waste that i couldn't show...

see y'all next month on the 8th!

nat, we were 'mean' to Jonas! ha..ha.. asking him for this and that last minute. :oops:
haha don't worry about it, he didn't complain or say anything... just told me it was a great turn out!


see y'all next month then!

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