SOFT 3rd Monthly Meeting (10th Sep 2005)


Staff member
Hello SOFTies

Venue : EarShot (The Arts House)
Date : 10th Sep 2005
Time : 7.00pm - 9.30 pm
Entry : Free!

Click here for direction to The Arts House

Yes! Finally a chance to meet up with fellow SOFTies and put the face to the name.

Get hands-on experience on the latest music gears, instrument and equipment!

We will have presenters to give demo/clinic. Or freshly baked local music albums!

Ok, we like to have happy SOFTies, mystery prizes will be given out. Dont ask what it is coz then it would not be mystery anymore!

* I need SOFTies who like to help out with the registration and photo taking on that day!


S.O.F.T. and Berkley Institute of Media Arts presents:
‘An insight to the songwriting and recording process for the home musician’

Often, we hear that technology nowadays is so advanced that a song can be recorded and produced in a bedroom. However, how do you go about writing and developing that song in the first place? And when the song is written, how do you efficiently use that technology to demo that song down the fastest, easiest way possible and still have it sound professional enough?

Berkley Institute of Media Arts will be sharing songwriting and music-recording tools and techniques at EarShot this Saturday, 10th September 2005. Come on down to resolve your songwriting and recording woes at this live demo and sharing session with us!

About the speakers:


Keith graduated from the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA, with a Bachelor of Music in Music Production & Engineering. He was awarded the prestigious Summa Cum Laude (First-class honors) upon graduation and has also received numerous awards at Berklee, which includes a Contemporary Writing & Production Achievement Award for outstanding writing, and being placed on the Dean’s List all seven semesters of his studies at Berklee College of Music. In Singapore, he was awarded the National Arts Council Bursary from the National Arts Council Singapore.

At Berklee College of Music, he studied under award-winning producers, engineers and arrangers, like Carl Beatty (Billy Ocean, Luther Vandross) and Donny Nolan (Walt Disney). He was highly sought after as a student producer for his creativity and strive for perfection, producing demo albums and jingles for many singer/songwriters in Boston.

Keith was trained at the Singapore Armed Forces Music and Drama Company (MDC) and has a vast track record as a performer. He has performed and collaborated with numerous producers, songwriters and artists, which includes Michael Learns to Rock, Babes Conde, Iskandar Ismail, JJ Lin Jun Jie and Clement Chow.

As a trainer, Keith has 5 years of teaching experience, teaching privately as well as lecturing music enrichment programs in songwriting, music theory and music sequencing software.


With about 10 years of experience in recording sound and music at home, he has delivered professional-sounding recordings, that ranges from the styles of folk guitar, electronic & dance, rock & metal, ambient & soundtracks, to a mix of those and in-between. Also highly apt with computer technology, Roger has always been some sort of ‘tech support’ for his friends; but more importantly, this proficiency of technology is the ground on which Roger moves with the digital advances in music production.

From pumping out dance tracks to being a guitarist in an artist rock band in music labels, Roger has always strived to do justice to songs through clear communication with fellow musicians and colleagues as well as through creative use of music production techniques. As a Mass Communication graduate from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Roger also considers the importance of factors in the media that can influence the communication of songs from the artist to the audience.

In the past 5 years, Roger has shared his foray into music production with budding students at Berkley Institute of Media Arts. In addition, he is multi-talented as a Producer, Composer, Arranger and Sound Engineer.
How bout we start half an hour earlier this time. Then we might not eat into Earshot's closing time. Would look forward to meet the SOFTies again.
dark_knight, then i can pass you the thing i promised you the other time.

BlackMoo, good idea. let me check with Earshot if it is ok.
Ok whoever sees a guy dressed in a black malay-like outfit, with a grey bag and a weird hairstyle, go up to him and shake his hand violently and scream. "HI BLACKMOO!!!".

urgh. okay i think i have a plan. haha. but i can't say it out here. lol. lalala.
Truth is she's conspired with Ronin to bomb the Arts House, to teach the SOFTies who didn't go for their launch a lesson. But no fear, for SUPERCOW is here.
BlackMoo said:
lol door jerk. More like bouncer of a club. The SOFT club.

Bouncer? He doesn't look menacing enough leh, not with flawless skin :lol:
Siva would make a better bouncer hehe.

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