SLAVEN BILIC - Croatia national football coach, ROCK STAR


New member
i dont know if this is well known, but the croatian national football team's coach, slaven bilic, is a man of many talents - he has a law degree and is the lead guitarist of his band


the coach


the guitarist (nice t-shirt)


an additional photo of him looking gay
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wow i didnt know thats talent.i had a feeling when he appear on tv during the euro games and he is still young for a coach.well done slaven,well done.
i'm quite inspired by him.. in singapore it is needless to say that paper qualification is important, rat race, blah blah. he has excelled in every area, including sports and music
if anyone remembers, he played for west ham & everton some time ago.

and he's currently rated the 2nd best national coach 1st being dunga.
sports, law(or psychology) degree, music....

multi talented. respect to him man. and he is young. chicks will surely go after him.
perhaps in footballing terms its also worth noting that he is successful both as a player as well as a manager, which is rare among coaches
i guess his musician trait shows during matches..
running around,shouting.. ahh.
musicians just love to express themselves.haha

MV of "Vatreno Ludilo" (Fiery Madness), anthem for the croatian team for euro 2008. it's awesome

beats any stephanie sun / kit chan patriotic song hands down. but still not as power as DREAM TEAM STEAM :mrgreen:

not as heavy as their other songs though
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it would have been cool if Bilic and his band played the song before one of the Croatia matches started or at halftime.

Modric: boss, what's the plan for the 2nd half?
Bilic: the plan is to shred our opponents like this *shreds on his electric*