Singapore's Education System = FAIL.. or not?

And to be brutally honest, arts and humanities have no place in Singapore's society. I always read news articles on the "development" of the arts and humanities in Singapore and really, do the majority of Singaporeans actually care?

Who actually likes to read about theatre arts in ST Life every Tuesday? Why is it that the FASS in NUS is actually viewed as a dumping ground for students with lousy grades when

FASS is not a dumping ground, i think people will feel insulted if you label their school as a dumping ground. Most of the students have clear objectives in entering FASS, rather than choosing FASS because they fail to qualify the more highly demanded biz, science and engineering courses

As for arts and humanities.


oh well on a serious note,
we may not have the best education in the arts or place a lot of emphasis on arts. But things are improving. In addition to La Salle, NAFA, we have the SOTA and SOMA now.
FASS is not a dumping ground, i think people will feel insulted if you label their school as a dumping ground. Most of the students have clear objectives in entering FASS, rather than choosing FASS because they fail to qualify the more highly demanded biz, science and engineering courses

Sorry man-wasn't intending to insult FASS. But I'd heard and seen enough of this "dumping ground" bullshit. I'm intending to enroll into FASS. Unless I'm really good for law. Otherwise, it's Philosophy for me. :D

oh well on a serious note,
we may not have the best education in the arts or place a lot of emphasis on arts. But things are improving. In addition to La Salle, NAFA, we have the SOTA and SOMA now.

It's improving, but our government has really been short-sighted with this precious group of people.
One thing as we compare other tertiary educational is that, we study too much as use too little. I met a japanese grad that one year, they only study six month compare to our nine month. In south korea, many teenage idol are obtaining their dip and degree despite TV schedule and artiste training. Both country produce electronic giant and having their pop culture across their border.
i personally reckon tat his father is way way cocky.. gosh, Msia to further studies.. at least UK or US la- if he is tat smart a prodigy which i think he is, too bad his father's ego's gonna ruin his son's brain because as far as i noe, Sg's education system may be rigid, full of flaws and everything, but it gets us to where we are, good economy, safe country and an overall high average in the sciences, definitely not the arts though. tat's why scholars elsewhere are flooding in while two stupid people go to MSIA for study -.-. arrogance shall be their downfall.

The father just wants the best for his kid.

And to the guy who said that Singapore trains its people to be what they want to become, you are totally right. Singapore is one country that teachers its people to conform to what society wants/expects etc while my friend who's been living in Texas since 11 says it's totally opposite there, people in US are taught to be non-conformist and think as an individual. Not saying it's the best way to do things, but it's just a fact. We are too small to survive as an individualistic society. Everything we do must contribute somehow to the greater economy.
wait till he has to come back to do NS... see how it will hold him back more

Haha good one. NS actually makes ppl more stupid. Looking at the work I do most of the 2LTs dont even understand simple instructions for doing surveys like "ticking the box" and instead go fill up numbers in every box in the survey forms *facepalm* when YOU'R ONLY SUPPOSED TO TICK ONE.
Haha good one. NS actually makes ppl more stupid. Looking at the work I do most of the 2LTs dont even understand simple instructions for doing surveys like "ticking the box" and instead go fill up numbers in every box in the survey forms *facepalm* when YOU'R ONLY SUPPOSED TO TICK ONE.

Not really... Depends on your unit, I've yet to meet a really stupid officer in the air force. You MDC boy probably meeting all the frontline unit rejects.
oh yes, we should ALWAYS blame the teachers, schools, the government for the lack of individuality, creativity..
We, the students are never at fault :)
Not really... Depends on your unit, I've yet to meet a really stupid officer in the air force. You MDC boy probably meeting all the frontline unit rejects.

haha trust me dude its embarassing when officers dont even understand simple instructions for our survey feedback forms.

Maybe they left their brains behind in cadet school....
I feel sorry for the kid. His father is going to screw up his life.

He's going to send the kid to some place where he's with kids 10 years older than him, the kid is not going to have a life, the father doesn't have a life of his own and he's living it through his kid.

All those child prodigies, you see how Mozart and Michael Jackson screwed up their own lives. Beethoven was hardly the model of a psychologically well balanced person.

To be sure, the Singapore education system has plenty of flaws, but around here the criticism of it is a little confused. I see one half saying that the Singapore education system pushes the people too hard in 1 direction. Then you have the other half criticising it for not allowing the father to push the kid too hard in another direction.

Just put the kid in the Singapore education system. He will be pushed, you don't have to worry about that.

Whether or not a person is a genius, we normally decide that at 30, not 10. I know quite a few people who were prodigies when they were young, there's not a very strong correlation between the bright ones at 10 and at 30. Let the guy become a chemistry professor and publish good papers, then we'll call him a genius.
prodigy is born. oooh. good. lucky. what are the it good genes or flawed genes.

genius is when you take REAL EFFORT and change the world and inspire people's lives.

if any prodigy reading this,I have a special request : kindly do humanity a favour and find a cure to
1) cancer
2) aids
3) stupidity

you will forever be my hero.
I dont think mathematics is a field where there is much potential to change the world, nevertheless it is a important subject that forms the basis of many academic disciplines.

On the contrary, if you want to change the world, go into the social sciences. We do have a lot of alumnus from the social sciences who have impacted the world in one way or another.

Mathematics is one of the GREATEST things to have changed the world.
From engineering to computing, from electronics to manufacturing, Mathematics is one of the backbones of modern technology the way we know it.
prodigy is born. oooh. good. lucky. what are the it good genes or flawed genes.

genius is when you take REAL EFFORT and change the world and inspire people's lives.

if any prodigy reading this,I have a special request : kindly do humanity a favour and find a cure to
1) cancer
2) aids
3) stupidity

you will forever be my hero.

That's a very bitter sentiment there. People can go on to do other great things besides what you listed, and a lot of prodigies have gone on to do fantastic things in the field of science and the arts.

Of course, prodigy + lazy = fail. But prodigy + real effort = IMBA. You don't have to sound so worked up over it. Prodigies didn't choose to be born prodigies; they just are. And I don't see how that can be a bad thing. You sound like you are stereotyping them to be smug know-it-alls, but that is not always true.

A person with immense innate talent in something is a prodigy.
A person who crafts, refines and enhances his talent to the point of changing the world in one form or another is a genius.
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we cant be wrong !
our education system are created by elites right !? :| x 10

Engineered by the elites (who are predominately from wealthy families, elite schools and foreign universities) FOR the unquestioning masses. The system is made to develop grinders- to prepare them for equally long working hours; to fuel the economy for the greater good.

They're only just starting to realise now that in the knowledge-based economy, they have to nurture the creativity that they had worked so hard to neuter.
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hifi_killer: I dont think mathematics is a field where there is much potential to change the world. On the contrary, if you want to change the world, go into the social sciences.

I love the social sciences and I hope to study sociology and/or political science. That said, mathematics is the core nexus of human knowledge. It is the language of logic and the closest we have come to pure, ascertainable truth. All social sciences are dependent on and derivative of mathematics. Calculus is fundamental to economics. Sociology would crumble without statistics. Advancements in mathematics have exponential implications on every other field, especially physics- which in turn has massive implications on engineering, architecture, medicine... you name it.
bobby : surely i'm not worked up over a small thing like what other individuals have that they didn't specially request for it when they were spermatooza and egg. I wasn't born stereotype, it's what society made me into. but until i'm proven wrong, so far self proclaimed "fake" prodigies I've met have been far from impressive, or sounds more like they're trying to brag something to cover up for something they lack.

I'm not bitter, i'm just not a nice guy when I feel like it =)

carry on with the maths topic. I only know how to count money.