mass order thread


New member
Alright guys, I just took my pay. And I'm good to go.

Those who are in, email me your models.

Rules will follow closely to those of sprees(go google sgspree) and the exchange rates will follow closely to the ones on dbs. As of right now, it's about 1.46-1.49.

I went to check Rondo, they need you guys to order a case as well(overseas order policy).

As of right now, I need to know the following things:
1. What are the custom fees, if any?(there might be since we are ordering quite a few basses)
2. How to pay GST? If anyone knows how to bypass it, please do tell.
3. If there are any mass order lao jiaos here, please do tell me the dos and don'ts of mass ordering.


EDIT: I'm taking orders until the end of this month. So hurry!
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custom fees? i think we'll only find out by asking them.

as for GST, i thought there wouldn't be any as most of the basses would cost under $400 including shipping, but since it's one order...

anyway, emailed you already.

edit: oh forgot about the case. just get me the cheapskate gigbag.
edit 2: wtf the gigbag seems to be out of stock. nvm just try and see if can order with the gigbag, if not then just go with the next cheapest option.
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Any orders above 400 S$ (including shipping) will be taxed (GST).
i.e: your items 1000$, shipping $100. You need to pay GST 7% * (1000+100)

For many cases, the Sing Post delivery officers will bring the package to your home (shipping address) and at the same time will collect the GST payment from you. For special cases (massive and expensive packages), you will get a summon letter to pay GST at Sing Post headquarter.
fyi: gst charges are per item

meaning, its ok if we order 4000 worth of 20 basses.

because one bass would cost only 200 and it will not be entitled to GST charges.

at least, this is what I understand =)

anyway, I'll have to give it a go for this time.. not a good time for me to buy basses now.

infact, i have two brand new laklands coming in and im thinking of selling it as I've other sudden commitments. -_-
what's the advantage of this MO, got discount or cheaper shipping cost ?

i'm interested in the agile guitar, but just got quite a lot of stuff this month so may not be able to make it, so wanna know the advantage of it
fyi: gst charges are per item

meaning, its ok if we order 4000 worth of 20 basses.

because one bass would cost only 200 and it will not be entitled to GST charges.

at least, this is what I understand =)

anyway, I'll have to give it a go for this time.. not a good time for me to buy basses now.

infact, i have two brand new laklands coming in and im thinking of selling it as I've other sudden commitments. -_-

that's wrong. GST is charged on the entire order. If you order $4000 worth of basses, you will charged GST on $4000 + whatever shipping charges.
yeah that was what i was afraid of...but we should still get to save on shipping costs.
serious? that was not what the shipping officer told me..hmmmx

I think you are confused by mixing 'multiple shipments from one address forwarder (i.e: vpost)' vs 'single shipment'

If you are using Vpost and you have multiple shipments from different vendors. You will not need to pay GST if every package per vendor is less than 400 SGD (item + shipment).
In vpost inbox, you have:
items from Amazon 300 SGD
items from ebay 200 SGD (for ebay, all sellers in ebay are considered as one vendor)
items from rondomusic 240 SGD.
You don't need to pay any GST for this whole shipment to Singapore, even though the total value is more than 400 SGD. Singapore Custom will consider this as multiple shipments not a single package.
Guys we have a problem. My enlistment date is June 13th. I'm going to need someone else's address to receive the shipment.
whoa. then how are we going to pay you for all the stuff?

i think i'd rather not have people coming over to my place to collect basses. :rolleyes:
Y'all will have to pay me just before I pay for it, which will be before the shipment arrives, via posb. I just need an address.
how many basses n stuff are there in total? i dont mind shipping to my address if u guys are ok with collection at clementi :)
Alright, looks like we'll just have to make do. You guys would have had to go to Bedok even if things were normal as well. We have an address, any one else wants to order?
I have roughly calculated the cost of shipping. Each bass/guitar/bigass instrument will be about 50 bucks. And gigbags and smaller items will be around 25 bucks. All the prices stated here are the maximum and may be reduced slightly. I am unsure if we need to order gigbags or not. Waiting for email replies.
USD50 or SGD50?

btw, the last i checked, the cheap USD20 gigbags were out of stock. if we are required to order cases to ship, then the next option would be the USD50 hardcases, which, according to the website, "is "UPS oversize" and ships as if it weighs 30 lbs. Actual weight is only 7.0 lbs. "

i really hope those gigbags are restocked soon...

oh yeah, any idea how long the shipping will take?
FYI, shipment prices are very uncertain.

I've shipped two basses over for 200+ but some other times at 400+

I myself are confused. So beware and be prepared for the worst. haha
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