Rock Hard Nails


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Dear Fingerstyle Acoustic steel string guitar players,

If you don't already use fingerpicks, how do you ensure that your fingernails are rock (metal also can) hard enough to withstand your crazy picking?? Nail hardener from Watsons? or lots of vitamin E?
Hahahaa aiya keith, it's like, when I play, my nails chip... split... and you can't do all the funky stuff and all. Not that I can do, still practising.
Strange.. I never have problems with my fingernails. Except when they're rough, and when they are rough they tend to 'catch' on the strings. I just keep my nails short and smoothen them out. If they are too long, chances are they will hurt when you are playing, and they will also be structurally weaker.
I got short nails.
I use fingerpicks to pick as well as strum... So no problems for me.
Tonally, no difference to my ears between nails and metal and harder plastic fingerpicks.
The softer plastic kind sound a bit flimsy though.
yea, thought ur suppose to use the tips of ur fingers to pluck instead of the nail??? unless ur strumming of course
but the sound you get from your nails it sounds better tho it shouldnt be such a big hooohaa to maintain ur nails what so ever, im pretty sure long nails or nailess you just need your finger to get the job done :)
tho i would prefer some nails haha dam im contradicting i know :D
but seriously, it really hurts playing with fingernails. i'd rather have blisters on my fingers than having part of my nail dislodge from the skin. don't talk about strumming, i had a bloodclot once strumming with my nails. i say leave a pick inside your hand while you finger pluck then use the pick to strum.
wow how did u even end up like that, playing without a pick can be the most relaxing thing :/ to me atleast
justheretolook, perhaps you just need to season your fingertips and fingernails. I've been using both for quite a number of years and I'm not having any problems. It'll hurt at first but over time it gets better.
Actually, the trick is NOT TO HAVE LONG NAILS!

Study classical players and how they file their nails. They are usually pretty short, shaped in a way that when you pluck, both the skin and nail will contact the string. The sound is fuller that way.

I also feel that the best sound is from nails.