Ripped Off?


New member
Here is the story: went down to "a store" few days ago, wanting to buy new pickups for a project guitar. i just wanted to get a pair of cheap humbuckers that i could wire myself. I went to the store, and asked them for the cheap humbuckers, they said they had second hand ones that were cheaper, so i looked at them, they were in seymour duncan boxes and he even tested them to see if they worked. They told me they were seymour duncans, they were going for 60$ each. i thought this would be a good deal as they retail for 100$+ new. so i bought 2, spending 120$. tonight i do a little research and find out they are not seymour duncans but are artec giovanni GCH-2 which in fact cost only 45$ new from Tymusic...

Im thinking of going down and demanding a refund, whats your say on this?
This sounds a little fishy. Didn't you check the baseplate of the pickups for identification before leaving with your purchase?

Go down and refund by all means.
I would like to see that store dig their way out of this. This is not even false advertising. This is blatant fraud.
some of them dont. i think. mine had a sticker of seymour duncan on the upper side, and had the seymour duncan logo imprinted on the other side
Yea, go down for a refund, and do let us know the name of the sHop so we can avoid it at all cost.
Pls spread the word ard too so ppl do fall victims to store owners like that.

And hopefully u the TS can get ur refund back.

Cheers! Peace :)
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all tho i've nvr exactly purchased anything from there, but it makes me question how they run their business ethically or else what.. despite hearing how much antiques and rare guitars they have there in their vault,i honestly would have second thoughts purchasing guitars from there now i mean who knows they might just swap afew parts here and there and tell you it's the real deal.. but yea i'll leave any further opinion till there's more updates from ts