I just want them thick enough for me to do sliding without slicing dead skin off my fingertips. And also thick enough to do hammer ons and pull-offs without losing sustain. How about a 'moderately' thick string?
.010s'll prob suit u the best. Try DR Strings(Davis), long life, all-rounded strings for many diff genres. Other gd choices include Curt Mangans(G77) and Electro-Harmonix(PM subversion).
i've been using Dean Markley Blue Steels .010 - .046s for awhile now, but after fitting on a set of Everly B-52s, i think i might not be getting blue steels for awhile..
i've been using Dean Markley Blue Steels .010 - .046s for awhile now, but after fitting on a set of Everly B-52s, i think i might not be getting blue steels for awhile..