Reanimated MetalZone updated

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Ok people, we don't want this thread to end up as a flaming thread please.

We always handle every customer professionally and respectfully. This thread was
created to inform those who modded their metalzone with us to drop by for a free
upgrade. We're not out to insult anyone, don't misunderstand.
too bad i don't have my beat-up MT2 with me now, if not i would have sent it to you, Seekz. heeessshhhh...

anw, AEnimic, your track is COOL... :D

what amp settings did you use? or did you bypass the amp section totally?
the last time i tracked a high-gain stompbox into Line6's Toneport (same one you used?) i used the Brit J-800 setting to "warm-up" the track a bit. maybe you can try that too... the drive was at "zero" and vol at "9". and cab was set-up with "57 mic off axis at 32%". see if it works for you... :mrgreen:

Oh wow, thanks for the tip bro! Really appreciate it :)

I will post up my settings soon. I'm still working on the settings, so that it'll work nice for both distortion and clean, so can switch with just tapping on the MT-2.

For those who are actually speculative (if that's a word) of Seekz work, you guys can just send in your MT-2. It is a great mod, and at no cost, you guys should be ashamed to say that Seekz has no professionalism. I think giving away that mod for free for current customers is a show of respect he gives his customers and guitar players BY NOT RIPPING US OFF. He is one of the nicer guitar/pedal people I've met too.

So I think all these blabbering are coming from people WHO NEVER ACTUALLY SENT THE MOD. I am not comparing the mod to any other pedal too, so I don't understand the hostility from you guys.
chill seekZ, dont need to worry abt pleasing the whole world man, ull find yourself very miserable like that cos somehow or rather there will always be a few who live to be contrary.

for those who dont own a metal zone or anything to do with his mods, just dig a finger up your asses and walk away, he meant this thread as an update for people who actually have bought his products and arent lurking around and passing wind for all to smell.
Stop nitpicking, if you fail to understand what I said, don't try commenting. By mod, I meant the second upgrade of the reanimation. It's still a mod on top of another mod.
I said that its very easy to go wrong when plugging and recording direct into computer without an amp. And that if you've haven't tried it, plz don't say it sounds like a can of bees. If that sounded very offensive and kick started this "SeekZ bashing" then I suggest you take up some sort of meditation class or anything that can help you control your temper.

1. What have I said in my post that makes you think I'm in any way agitated with you, or had the intention to do SeekZ bashing? I don't know you, nor do I know anything about you except that you have a business regarding pedals. But you assume you know me by assuming I have anger management issues? Whoa...

2. How hard is it to record a few pedals using a POD's audio interface? Aenemic used a clean patch (possibly with an amp modeller) utilising NO gain effects. It's like stacking (if any) a distortion pedal with a clean booster. If the POD is responsible for that "can of bees" tone, shouldn't the clean tone have it as well? And if you know what the COB thing is in the first place, you'll know it's got nothing to do with your product. So why so defensive?

I'm unhappy that you suggest that I go out of business because of that...

Wow... You read through my post and all you can see is "GO OUT OF BUSINESS"? You really take "reading between the lines" to an extreme don't you?

Next, I invited my past customers, specifically people who own one
to offer me feedback, because they have the luxury of tweaking it, using it with different amps and different guitars. I did not invite anyone to comment on the soundclip, in fact I didn't even ask anyone to make soundclips for me.

Wait. Regardless of intent, allow me to point out something for you. You invite your customers, using a public portal you do not own, nor pay for, nor contribute in it's support, for your own commercial purposes. It wasn't so long ago that some other dealer got told off about this. And you still talk about it as if it was your God given right?

And who said it's your fault for the sound clips? One of your customers, so enthusiastic about your product, and so happy with it, is filled with such reverence and appreciation for the service, and tries to do you a favour. Is this how you reward him?

I don't know why you bring up other pedals to compare with a metalzone.
did I mod those ? or is a modded metalzone suppose to match up to that?

This is a forum. It's meant for people to discuss about products isn't it? Yours and others included. If you owned this site, it's your right to demand that other products aren't mentioned. But it's not, is it?

So to become more reputable, I have to match up my mod with all the others? Do you know how many other products are there on the market?

No I don't, but it doesn't matter. Comparisons to ALL other products aren't necessary. Maybe just the more similar ones? Or just a simple explanation on why you think yours is better, or superior to others. Or don't you know yourself?

Look. I'm not trying to pick a fight here. We all simply want to play our guitars, and enjoy our gear. I fully understand that a young person is usually very defensive over an achievement. No doubt about that. Your product to you IS definately an achievement, and you have every reason to be proud. If you want to go on stepping on every comment that sounds remotely negative, then that's your choice. I'm just trying to tell you to be a bit more open minded, and show you how you can have a more substantial business. That last paragraph in my previous post to you, at least, was well meant, and had good intentions.
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I can't believe you're still rambling...

Yes, we do not know each other or have anything to do with each other.
But very clearly, you have something against me. And no matter what I say, you will qoute me and try bring me down with your own arguement.

This is not MY forum, but its not yours to HIJACK either.
Please read the forum rules on "Trolling" before you get banned.

If i meant it to be a commercial post I'll post it in the commercial area.
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