question on bass pedals


New member
hey everyone, was wondering what does all the different bass pedals do. i heard they synth ones but how bout the chorus ones? do they help in anyway?
zel said:
hey everyone, was wondering what does all the different bass pedals do. i heard they synth ones but how bout the chorus ones? do they help in anyway?

you can check out the post "The Bassist Effects Line-Up" that i started ... it's quite a comprehensive thread as bassists talk about the effects they use and how it affects them and the tone and stuff .. basically .. all things pedals .. =)

but the thing is i'm lost in all the bass lingo...i just don't get like half of em
zel said:

but the thing is i'm lost in all the bass lingo...i just don't get like half of em

you can PM me your questions .. just compile them in a list and i'll try to answer them ..