PRS Tremonti


New member
Hi guys,
was told that Davis sells PRS guitars. Would like to check how much they sell the PRS Tremonti for. Would also like to know if they only sell the SE version oni. Thanks in advance.
davis has one of the best prices for prs compared to overseas dealers of which you would have to handle shipping plus tax which is quite a bomb. davis still has a tremonti in stock if im not wrong and its strung with red strings. calling them would get you the answers.
davis has one of the best prices for prs compared to overseas dealers of which you would have to handle shipping plus tax which is quite a bomb. davis still has a tremonti in stock if im not wrong and its strung with red strings. calling them would get you the answers.

If I'm not wrong, it's to the left of the entrance is it?
It's all up to you. If you really love him like 123456, then by all means man. But if it's like 3k or 4k, why not just buy a gibson? Signature guitars got only the tone of the signature artist, so it can be versatile or for only alter-bridge typa music... I never tried before. So these are all my 2cents.
imo the PRS Tremonti SE version is pretty value for money, for the quality and the build of the guitar. and its control layout! 2 tone 2 volume, vs the PRS SE singlecut, only 1 tone 1 volume. the more the merrier haha.
I have always gased for the tremonti model, and it retails for $4.8k the last time i checked......very cool not because of mark tremonti but the guitar design itself is very tempting......singlecut with floating trem and locking tuners.....really something u dun see often plus all of the great prs quality.....but for me to fork out that kinda $$$ and not willing to play it too much for fear of is kinda unjustifiable for me now.
Well thats the price to pay sad to say......but rest assure what u r getting is absolutely top grade stuff at least lol.
From my experience, trying out at Davis is very difficult because they don't quite allow (particularly the old uncle) trying out unless you're a big name like Mark Tremonti or Myles Kennedy... Unless you're confirmed buying then maybe he'll be a little nicer. I doubt I'll ever buy a guitar from them.

If Ranking has one, make that top priority. The folks at Ranking are much nicer. Among the best service I've ever gotten from any guitar shop.
davis has one of the best prices for prs compared to overseas dealers of which you would have to handle shipping plus tax which is quite a bomb.

WORD! They aren't really that expensive. Try buying a PRS in Japan.:twisted:

Yes, last I checked, the Tremonti is still there.