powerhouse stage on the 4th


New member
hey people i went for zero sequence and flybar yesterday and was really impressed with the bands! omg they were really good . its just really too bad that there wasn't a crowd there! but my goodness did i enjoy myself. its really good stuff. what more, ITS FREE so here's to aid the bands playing there! COME PEOPLE. its really good! good for the local scene as well. ZERO SEQUENCE AND FLYBAR POWER BABY!
yea the crowd sucks yesterday. almost everyone was sitting down.

i was there cos i was working at the powerhouse yesterday. i'll be there today as well. you'd probably find me at the front-of-house area

Do come down on Sunday. Zero Sequence will be performing a 90 minute set, playnig the full album plus new songs as well. Macam rock concert!!! \m/