Pick up not aligned to strings


New member
Recently I bought this guitar online and the bridge pick up seemed not to be in line with the strings (see photo).
Is there any way to rectify this?

you bought it used? fresh?

the previous owner might have replaced the original bridge pickup with an F-spaced/ Trembucker instead of the regular measurements, hence the misalignment.
I bought it online, it's new. The thing is, if i wanna do one to one exchange, I have to bear the shipping cost, which i think is crap. So i wanna know if this issue can be rectified locally?
could be:

*pickup positioning anomaly- from this picture alone, take a look whether your bridge p/u is in line with the neck unit (check the mounting)

*bridge/ hardware anomaly- look at how your low E string aligns itself with the hard tail; do you see something wrong here?
remove 4 screws from the bridge pick up bracket. take out pick up mounting ring. Fill in old holes. loosen pickguard arm screw. Touch up old holes as needed. Check spacing then redrill new position of where you want the entire mounting ring to go to (pup pole pieces aligned with strings)...then refit the pickguard with the appropreate alignement.

BTW this isnt a high end axe, is it? TGM?
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that needs quite some work.. let me consider if i have the time..

No it's not high end. Thankfully.
My take is that it is the bridge pick up that is out of position. I think FGL's idea is most applicable for now. Hopefully the pickup cavity routing it not too tight and will allow for readjstment. Otherwise, to really realign it may require some routing work. Alternatively is to make it an unconventional LP by installing blade pickups or sealing off the rear cavity for a Neck only position pickup option, maybe a tele pickup at the rear.

I think the bridge and neck alignment is good as there is quite an even spread of string spacing so I wouldn't go the route of adjusting the bridge assembly set.
From the picture, it looks like the bridge pickup is smaller than the neck.
And the left sides are aligned with each other. The right side, bridge seems to be shorter.