
running in the track for 2.4 really sucks.. seeing the same thing every rounds.
ur mind must be strong! just dont keep thinking on how many rounds u have ran and left.
2.4 sucks balls.

i did mid 10mins the last time i ran 2.4 in sec 4. went to poly, grew fat and tore my ligaments while soccering so i'd say the best i'd prolly do now is like 16mins LOL?

i used to run at acjc until my school had our own track. running on our own track was soooooo much easier to cheat.
running is boring. I think i'd run faster with like some headphones and fast music in my ears. Currently doing like 9 minute 30+ for 2.4
as a recruit I could average under 8 mins ...

even during my last incamp about 4 years back I got Bronze $100 incentive

Today .. donno can whether I can even make it half way or not...
fgl> is bronze and pass the same?

you can either develop a passion for running or learn to accept RT. i am slowly achieving the latter. it's gonna take a long time for me to undo the damage that i have done to my body since ORD. maybe i should chase a kitty when i run. a sleepykitty. confirm gold
What's RT?
RT = REMEDIAL TRAINING :mad: :evil::shock::cry:

but now got new system, to instill the values of surrendering/giving up in operationally-ready NSmen a.k.a. protectors of our nation, called IPT = IPPT Preparatory Training

this is where you give up on IPPT and go straight to RT, albeit a more slack (but equally as time wasting) programme
wah my sec 4 time is 16-17 min. i was the second last boy...wah lau then i see the girls in front of me..felt so embarrased. but still, i just too lazy to train. 2.4km is so long la! buay tahan!
hahah yeah 2.4's the reason i cant get gold. sec 4 i must run with girls. very paiseh, they faster than me. hahah.
sit and reach my best. 50cm like that. haha