New user looking to start computer based recording -

Going by experience,the solo lines would most likely take the lead. Although this may not always be true. By recording the lead last, you restrict the lead from including his/her style in the music. The timing is already fixed for him/her. I have never liked this as i feel that every solo artist should be allow to free him/herself and perform to their best.

I would usually do a scratch track first using the lead vocal and a acoustic guitar or whatever instrument that can easily acompany the vocal. After that, the main instrumentation comes in. Building up the vibe for the vocalist. Next to record would be the backing vocals and lastly the lead vocal. The last two steps can be reversed if required as it is not fixed.

For your case, there might be an issue of headphone cues for the acapella group.The number of people in the group would represent the number of headphones you would need. A signal distributer that is able to handle that many cues is also needed. This may cause a problem for you if the group is big.

I would always try to go with a scratch track first. It makes things very much easier. However, your method would work as there is no fixed method in recording. As they always say, 'who cares how you got there!'
The most important thing is that your acapella group must be strong.Making sure that everything is right before continuing as there is no guide to help you.If you realise that something is wrong with the backing voices when you are recording the lead, you have to start all over from the top. Not a very nice experience, i can tell you that first hand.

I don't think that you will have much of a problem with your miking technique.You might consider using the ORTF miking for the acapella group. It sounds more natural.

Just a note.Onboard mic pres actually induce more noise into your signal due to the closely pack electronics. The convertors are very near to the power supply the mic pre which can cause noise.Outboard pres are cleaner. Why do you think studios all use outboard pres!?[Even digidesign put their pres seperately in the HD series]

That should answer your question.Good Luck with your recording!Keep us informed.Thanks!

Daxco os totally screwed up company in support...Pricing toooooooooooooooo high..

Creative is selling all EMU products in Singapore from this month beginning..Everything can be bought online..check Creative website...fordetails
thanks for the further info. After further reflection, I think a portable device will suit my needs better so i dont have to bring my desktop PC+ monitor along to the recording location. That sort of rules on the E-mu cards

At present M-Audio 1814 no stock. The only under $1k high-speed (usb 2 or firewire) audio interface in stock appears to be the M-Audio Firewire 410. But with the indicated price at $7xx, Firewire 1814 seems better value.

hope to decide at the end of this month based on whatever is in stock.

Anyone know of the best price that can be had for the M-Audio 410? I may have to get that if 1814 doesn't make an appearance.
thanks for your help guys. based on availability, i settled on a Prosonus Firepod and a Rode NTK (plus an existing assortment of Shure dynamic mics) to start off. Software is Cakewalk home studio 2004.

From my initial testing, the mic pre-amp quality is 'good enough' though i admit i have no real experience in comparing pre-amp quality

There were some setup problems involving clashes with sound blaster live in my desktop pc, but most of my recording should be with notebook.
have you bought the HomeStudio software yet? Cakewalk HomeStudio 2 is the latest version. Costs the same as HomeStudio 2004. It's really the same software, but includes a vsti-adapter, for the same price... I'm looking to upgrade/buy this in sg. The only supplier I know (not Challenger) only has stocks for HS2004, so I'm waiting till he gets news about HS2.
1) Why not use the Cubase SE that comes with the Firepod?

2) Chuck the SB Live for serious work. Clashes with some pro soundcards
eg EMU cards (even though they have the same parent company).

3) how much did you pay for the FIREPOD. The local dealer gives crap prices. Tried to sell me a Firestation for ~S$1.4k (and called it an offer) at a time when they were blown out in US for S$900. In the end I settled for a MOTU 828 mk ii which cost a little more but has 24/96 recording capabilities and ADAT in/outs. (all missing on the Firestation)

Home Studio 2004 European version is identical to Home Studio Version 2.

Yeah, i will give the Cubase LE a try.

Pricewise, the Firepod was ok. If i ordered over the internet, add insured courier postage, plus 5% GST, may come up to roughly the same, so just pay for a set from local agent for more peace of mind (esp since its a new product).

Lack of ADAT was not a major issue for me but may be an issue for some.

After some configuration, the Firepod works perfectly with the SB Live still installed (so far...) If I do 16/44 or 16/48 recording, I can use both SB Live and the Firepod together (not that i want to).

I sure hope that you did not buy from Team 108. They tried to rip me off.
The Power PCI Soundcard is bundled with a free copy of the Powercore Virus (~S$700 value) for a limited promotion.

Team 108 tried to sell me the items individually.

I told them to forget it.

No sane person should have to do business with them.
nope, didn't buy from Team 108.

With the power of the internet, one can easily tell if we're being overcharged :)

Hi, there,

can consider ESI JULi@ 24bit 192Khz , with balance 1/4" TRS input price only S$ 330.00

Audiotrak MAYA 44 MKII @ 24bit 96kHz also come with 1/4" TRS unbalance input - 4 x 4 I/O, price only S$ 210.00

PM me if you like to get at s'pore and get the local support.

Hi Den,

I have no problem with you hawking your stuff here BUT please do so in a less irritating manner ie you promote for the sake of promotion without taking account the needs of the end-user.

It is obvious that you do not know what a Presonus Firepod is and keep recommending soundcards that do not suit yc's requirments for live recording.

FYI, the Firepod has "eight high-quality PreSonus microphone preamplifiers" for mikes. Which your Juli@ and Maya doesn't.
