Need some general help


New member
Hi guys, so I have been around SOFT for quite a couple of years - been active, inactive, busy with work, etc. Right now I'll just need a little help from the same online community whom I've grown up with.

So I have been working on a new startup that involves the development of Artificial Intelligence in the past few months. It's a virtual personal assistant that gets everything done for you in the real world - reservations, delivery, purchases, etc. Right now, I would need to present some market research data to secure some funding from investors. As such, it would really mean a lot to me if you could take 5 mins out to help me with a simple survey. Would be great if you're above 18!

The link:

I welcome all opinions as well! Let me know how I can do better. Feel free to PM me too!

P.S. if you're an investor - perhaps you might wanna PM me too and let's have a chat?

Thanks so much for all your help, really appreciate it!
