My dilenma - Drums Versus Guitar


New member
Hi guys, i got a problem man. I cant decide whether i should stick to playing guitar or going to focus on drums. In recent weeks, i have purchased drum skins, pedals and cymbals etc. Not realising that I am really spending alot of money on something I may not continue.

Prior to my interest in drumming, I was playing guitar/singing vox, I had my own guitar custom built , but I never was really a solid player.

I cant decide whether I should give up one for the other, because i definately have to, i mean, i cant GAS for both. Its do one and do it well.

Please advice!

But you're right about it being hard to do both well. I'm kinda always distracted by the other in some way - that before I'm getting any real progress, I'll get somewhat bored and start playing the other instrument. To add to the 'trouble', there's also a piano at home. Ha.

But I see it as my musical journey, and my outlet from life's stresses, so I take it easy and just enjoy myself playing whichever.

The way I see it (like in my case), there's no need to give up guitar because it's already there. I've got a 15w Peavey with a Magicstomp multi, and my axe's an Ibanez RG321. I do GAS for guitars sometimes, but I haven't seen the need to get anything else since I got this basic rig up.

I cant decide whether I should give up one for the other, because i definately have to, i mean, i cant GAS for both.

If you don't mind me saying, the issue here seems to be the GASing. If you stop GASing, you're gonna be just fine.

If you focus less on the gear acquisition aspect of things, I say it's possible to have a rather peaceful life with both wives. :lol: You just need to work out a careful schedule to spend time with both of them.

Its do one and do it well.
If the 'do' you're referring to is GASing, then you really gotta choose one :) But if you're referring to 'playing', then maybe channel some of that money into taking a few lessons for both, and see which one you want to stick with.

I took up Guitar also last time from a very good jazz Guitarists last time ...wah I travel all the way carry my electri guitar from West to Bedok every week for an hour lesson....after 2 months I quit - cause it was tough (my finger pain pain - do so many scaling works) and I found out I love to use my sticks more to drum than press press the guitar at end of I focus on drumming...cause I love it.

Guitar or Drums - the same both are very hard to can of knowing the facts that it's difficult to Master either one - I have to pick the one I love most - then I will have the motivation & inspiration to continue learning & I pick Drums and I stick to it.....there is one more thing I can pick up besides Guitar mah - SINGING...and be a Singing Drummer...Gosh I love to do that - like Bro Blissuicide...he sings and he drums...Hahahaha I like that. :lol:

Cheers !
Haha! It's okay Phanto!

When I was learning drums, I was very distracted by other instruments as well. I had a Epiphone Les Paul, a Yamaha acoustic, an OLP bass, Marshall guitar amp, Samick bass amp, Yamaha keyboards and was trying to dabble in all of them at the same time!!! At one point, I was even trying to learn the trumpet and the violin! HAHA! The folly!

Then I realized that I would never be good at any of them. Like the old saying goes, Jack of all trade but master at none. Till now, I can't play bass or keyboards to save my life. Strum a few chords on guitar still can, but that's about it.

So I decided to continue on drumming and just GAS for drums. The rest of my instruments I've sold except for the two guitars. It's good to know some other instruments as a musician, just as long as you know which one is your main love. And in drums I trust! :)
there is an advantage though, when you learn more than one instrument. i feel that it's possible to become good at a few basic instruments (guitar, drums, bass, piano) and from a songwriter's point of view those skills would be extremely valuable. there's no need to become the best of the best cause really, the best is subjective and down to personal opinion. you can excel in a few instruments if you have the time and determination. hope i've provided an alternative pov here, good luck in your choice!
hehe, yay thanks. Yah i do have a rather "musical" so its called background. Got a grade 8 in piano and theory, and used to play the violin and cello. I picked up the guitar 2 years ago, and I play the bass with my band sometimes. Keyboards too.

The main issue would be what I wanna do in a band environment next time, Sing and guitar? or Drums. Because Im not too shabby at singing ive been told, I sing in my band, besides playing rhythm guitar.

Its just, I love drumming so much, Rhythm flows in my veins. Like when i went to a oldies jam session, and my dad's friend asked me to play drums. It was my first time touching drums and wow, i could follow the band and they were quite impressed, But besides that, i felt really in control and enjoyed it.

i wish i could do both! =/
why dont you sing in a band but still continue to drum? drumming would help you in your sense of rhythm when playing other instruments too. besides, you love drumming. so dont give up ya. i think you just need tofind a balance.
Then you can play a Drumitar, invented by Victor Wooten's brother, Roy :lol:

The Synthaxe Drumitar is an instrument created by "Future Man", or Roy Wooten of Béla Fleck and the Flecktones. The Drumitar is comprised of piezo elements mounted in a guitar body, connected by cable to assorted MIDI devices including samplers and drum machines.

Or a Drumtar

A drumtar, not to be confused with the Drumitar, is a plucked stringed instrument created from a snare drum. Similar to a banjo, the vibrating drumhead amplifies the sound of the strings. However, the fingerboard is identical to that of a guitar.

Phanto - you should play the drums cause you enjoy playing it - that's why you are here chatting with us also mah..correct...

Basket can play Piano, Violin, so many things - now then tell us - I know Music Theory actually - Hahahahahaha :lol: what else you know and you neber tell us har Bro Kekeke !
DH hear u say this, will be damn sad cos he tune drums for u.

and....... i hope im referring to the right person.

i had same prob as u before. i have an acoustic at home. piano too.

BUT. im better with sticks than a pick i guess.
josh u had a piano tt nobody ever touch.
n now its rotting in ur hse lol cos its off tune.

btw u neva ever took guitar seriously did you?
haha... my mom almost killed me when i say i not interest in piano anymore...

that time i taking grade 5 .. so she bout a new piano.. the yamaha U5 one of those top of the yamaha range upright piano...

den i quit right after exams...

lukily.. my sister still learning.. haha
Reuben - Tell you mum you can't play "Black Label" with keyboards. It gotta be drums. Haha"

Killerbee - My guitarist is using Epiphone Les Paul and Marshall amp too!

Phanto - You can always play your secondary instrument as a side project. :D I guess I'm not in the right position to say this because first, I'm not good in drums. Secondly, the only other instrument that I know is recorder. :lol:
Maybe you can ask yourself

1) Which instruments you have spend more time practicing? I'll go for the instruments I've spend many hours in.

2) Environmentally, is your home condusive to play drums? If not go for quieter instrument. I'm not discouraging you from playing drums. Just the environmenet factor.

If you want to be good at all the ionstruments, I'm afraid you gotto sacrifice the playstations, the computer games, the Deal or No Deal show, that Ellen Degeneres show, and all the sins that block our capabilities to become a master at something.
OMg haha actually an option is to be keyboardist. dude you have a grade 8. you can pick up guitar very quickly as you have the foundation in scales etc. but actually i think why dun you try awhile more. then see which do you really love. i used to play bass too. but i felt that drums was the way so. yea.
concentrate on PLAYING music and not BUYING gears, you will become a musician.

if you just buy gears and not play, you are just - buying gears.
You CAN put in time for both, I would say.

Eg. If you live in a HDB flat, generally there will be times that you will not be able to play the drums. So during this time, you can play the guitar!!!

However, if you don't want to GAS for both, you will have to find out which instrument you enjoy playing more.

Whether or not you should stick to guitar or drums is not for us to say, but for you yourself to decide. Everyone prefers different things, and everyone is inclined towards different things. So it is for you to find out whether drums or guitar is your niche.
Maybe I can give you some advice. I play the keyboard, guitar, bass/backing vocals and drums. My main instrument is the drums and bass, which I play in two different bands, but as much as I like my main instruments, I LOVE music.

I started out with the drums, but I can't get one at home because of parental objection. So I practice on pads at home. I really liked the guitar so I picked it up as well. Play alot of it at home but I don't play it in a band. I then picked up the bass and ended up playing in another band with it as well. I've always wanted to play the keys, and I was lucky enough to have a friend nice enough to get me one. I play with it at home.

This is the message for you, I totally agree with the Soft dude. It's not about gassing for gears. The only instruments I own are guitars and a keyboard and a couple of practice pads.

Dave Grohl is my idol and a perfect example for you. Drummer of Nirvana, frontman/rhythm guitar/vocalist of Foo Fighters. And mind you, he's a PROFFESIONAL musician. Someone, that has actually MADE it. So I don't think it's much of an issue here.

No offence, but I think you're forgetting about one very important thing.


So my take is for you to continue with both even though it will affect your maturity in each of the instruments. But if you love it, why stop right?
shaneypants u rocks man!

nice said!

like Phanto i played a lot of intruments too, often with what i feel at the moment, and too landed in a dilema.

But its the music thats important!