How do i soundproof my electronic drum kit?


New member
Been playing drums for almost 2 years now, but never really had a personal kit until now. A yamaha dtx532k to be exact. On the forth day after i got it, At 8:30pm a neighbour from below complained, saying i was “making a lot of knocking sounds”. Just want to know how can I soundproof my room and if so, where can i get the materials? Also another reason why I probably got the complaint was that my drumset is right my the window and i had forgotten to close it 😅

Unless you really crank up the volume on your amp, it's likely that what your neighbour is hearing isn't the sound coming out of the speaker but rather the actual knocking of the beater against the bass drum pad. If that's the case, you need to build a platform and let it rest on dampers/shock absorbers, and put the whole kit on the platform. Anything else will do very little to the situation because sound travels faster and more easily in solids than in the air.