mp3 recorded /player suggestion


New member

i want to do some casual recording of my gigs. i'm currently using a cheap mp3 player. it's only able to record at 32kbps, 8khz. so nothing much to expect of the sound quality, but it's pretty audible enough. it can capture more bass than treble. the problem is that the sound tends to distort "pecah" when the music gets loud.

can anyone reccomand a better recorder with higher sampling rates? looking for budget types that can double up as a player itself. thanks a lot..
i'm sure there's a few out there, go scout around simlim, heck they even got mp4 recorders at real low price and now you can film too.
im recording with my Zen Creative player.. its ok too but when drums come in, things start going v wrong
they didnt state out the specs of my microphone on zen online

hmn, its pretty clear,

i heard macbooks have pretty decent recording functions
khutubkhana: nia.. so fast already sold aa! anyway i heard the sample of your recording. why does it sound 'wavey', like loud-soft-loud-soft.. is it the postiton of your mic?
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for a cheaper option and not so technical, i use the Zoom H4 for recording Jam sessions for the fun of it, the quality is ok ok only la, check out my myspace for a clue on how it sounds, remember, all recorded in dark and dingy jam studios, for no fuss recording.
habuyasa : nah, it's more like the drum(snare/kick) overloading/compression/pumping. should put further away from the drums then should be okay.

just buy a Zoom H2 lor. someone's selling an old Zoom MRS in soft forum for $120
Hey guys..anyone got the new H2?
Is it worth getting?
I need sumting to record my jamming sessions at the jam studios!
Any opinions about the H2?